Have you ever been persecuted? Yes. Of course I've been persecuted by those that wasn't on the supportive side of what I wanted to do.
You may ask the question. How can The First Evil be persecuted? When one is as evil as your not so humble baddie. It kinda goes with the territory to be despised, hated, loathed by one and all.
But unlike everyone else that thinks they are persecuted for one reason or another. I'm no victim. And unlike certain good guy types who's names will remain nameless. *cough*Angel*cough* *cough*Buffy*cough* *cough*Spike*cough* *cough*Willow*cough* I damn sure won't be curling up in a ball and feeling sorry for myself anytime soon.
Cause I don't care how I'm treated. I don't give a flaming pile of dog poo whether I'm liked or hated. What others think of me is of no concern. My value and worth does not come from the approve or affection of others. Regardless of what some may believe. What others think or say doesn't matter. All that matters is being out for number one. All that matters is yourself. And despite those who doubt themselves. Everyone has a choice as to whether they will be a victim or a victor.
And that's about all I gotta say about the subject of being persecuted.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #356
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 229