Topic 447, 453, & 457

Sep 30, 2012 22:58

TOPIC #447 - You just turned evil*. Now what? *Were you already evil, you just turned good. Or more evil, I guess.

Let's just say, I won't be hugging any cute puppies or bunnies. As the First Evil, it would be impossible for me not to be evil. So would have to say that I can only become more evil. Maybe not more annoying. Cause I'm pretty damn annoying. But I have not always had the most evil of plans. Or have not used the most evil of bad guys. Such as trying to get Angel or Spike to go against their noble and selfless natures. They are good guys. Can't be anything else. No matter how much I've poked and prodded them. No matter how many times I've tried to manipulate events to drive them over to the dark side. They always rise above the hate. Always rise above the darkness to do the so called right thing. So maybe I need to rethink my approach. Rethink my mechinazations. Figure out another way to accomplish my goals. But regardless of anything. I am evil, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Word Count: 191

TOPIC #453 - Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

Being persistant, and not willing to change. I will admit, that I have tried to do the same thing over and over. I have tried one evil scheme after another. I have tried to open the Hellmouth over and over. I tried to defeat the forces of the hero types over and over. Every time I expect a different result.

Every damn time I expect the bad guys to win. I expect evil to win because it is ruthless and selfish. Cause evil shows no mercy. It should by all rights beat the clueless fools that are weak and flawed. Consumed by their own self-doubt and longing to be loved. But over and over again, my forces of evil have been foiled. My minions have been destroyed. My followers have been layed to waste. But I persist. Evil persists. And so long as the First Evil exists, I will continue the never ending battle betwen good and evil. And insane as it may be, I will fail over and over, just for that one good day. That one good day when the results I want finally happen. The day the First Evil wins.

Word Count: 226

TOPIC #457 - What does your voice sound like?

I am a master impersonator. I can look like and sound like anyone. Be they human, demon, or super beings. I can sound like anyone that has ever lived. I can sound like Elvis and sing you a sad tune like don't be cruel to a heart that's true. Or I can sound like some famous movie star of a by gone era like Clark Gable. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

I can sound like a tragic movie star like Marilyn, I wanna be loved by you, just you, and nobody else.

So the question is not what does my voice sound like, but what voice do I sound like at the moment. I actually like to do voices that annoy people. Voices that get on a persons nerves. Whatever voice gets under their skin. A voice that can hurt them deeply. Be it a voice of a lost love. Or a voice of some lost friend or enemy as the case may be. That is the voice I will use. And if someone doesn't like a voice or persona I take on. Well tough luck. Cause like one of my favorite actors from many a blue moon ago would say, I don't give a damn.

Word Count: 310

Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer

theatrical muse

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