2004:A Year in Review
My New Years was spent babysitting Katie and Jarrett Bell along with my little sister. I miss the ball drop because of Katie and Sarah Grace. Gabe was replacing Jon in Naropath. Went to Leesburg for a Naropath show and ran into an old friend and lots of people I once knew. Had a crush on someone WAY to young for me. Dennison Marrs. Band Marnino. Went to Tampa to the Shriners club and met lots of the people who work with Sarah Grace. Was still working for Universal doing Express. Was still writing on my "melo" with Katyln,my pink ROBOT. Starting talking to LIZTASTIC. All in all I was getting very coplacent about my life.
I cut 10/14 inches of my hair off and gave it to locks for love. Saw HIM for the first time in months. Got a new way to spell my name "kaytee". Stop working for Universal. Got a job for Kodak at the Chef Mickeys. Babysat for the Joslin's alot. Saw my bff Kristen for the first time in months. Went to see some dinner show at West Orange for Kate "my little sister". Went to Caffiene for the first time not working there and met offically LIZTASTIC,AARYN,and KIM. All in all I was back and forth with my emotions.
Started working at Chef Mickey's for Kodak. Became friends with this girl Lindsey in my English class. Went to Disney for free with out other guest in the park. Got a straighten thanks to the tip from LIZTASTIC. Became friends with my WIFEY. Last show as "Naropath". Boone show where i met JENNA. WENDY's "pow wow" for the band name change. A MIDNIGHT AND MAY. Gabe's story about the name. AMsquared. Wes acting like a GAY AFI guy. Going to Sarah's house where I first met True Lawton,after he sat on Sarah's dog. Played poker with Jon,Sarah,Brad,Meagen and Richie. Spent the night the first time I met Sarah. Went to Downtown Baptist. Saw Passion of the Christ twice in one day. Went to a LINKIN PARK show cause Dave had no one to go with. DOG House show that I saw people I hadnt seen in AGES such as the Blaises, Mrs.Humes, JENNIFER BUELL?!?!? Ryan and the braclets. Stake n' Shake. Moving houses issues. Youth group at the Unterbrinks. LOTS OF DUKE BASKEBALL WATCHING. Growing closer to LIZTASTIC. Attempts to go to Bonifay. Gaberial Joel. Car trip with Richie and Jeremy to Lakeland. Lakeland show...yea. Band Marino for the 2nd/3rd time. Head/Hand motions. So many quotes and such good times. All in all I had no idea I had such a packfull month but its good times and I miss it.
LAST WAVE Show. KIDS IN THE WAY. Richie picking out clothing is worse than a girl! Hot kid that stop coming to youth. Brad! STOPLIGHT! michelle 'my belle' amanda ROO-chu-CHINI, and aw christina i cant say yor name cool. Leesburg kids being there at the show and me 'having to' entertain them. JESSJICA(yes sounded jess-ja-ca). DENNYS(first NON Steak n Shake After Show). Fell in love with BEN KWELLER. Camping with Bay Hill people. Saw my new favourite actress,Dakota Fanting in MAN ON FIRE. All in all it was a alright month, had its highs and lows.
Got moved from Chef Mickey's to Ohana's and found out the advantages/disadvantages to working with my Mother. Got Blood testing,Worked while having MONO. Quit school right before the exams. MIAMI mission trip. Molly and I actully got along. Working with Homless Ministries. Everything life changing about that trip. SAW EDDIE! All in all a pretty crummy month.
Fashion Rock. Last 'original' NATURAL show id see. Starting talking to the wonderful JENNWRIGHT! Was a big dork at the HP movie the first night. Got my L.A.M.B. wallet for cheap! CELEBRATED LIZTASTIC BIRTHDAY! Hung out with my bestest friend Kristen! Birthday spent with Granny and Papa in BOCA RATON,FL. All in all a Decent month.
CHEESCAKE BIRTHDAY WITH FAMILY. Started on a funk but oh well. JENNxKATYxDAY. Saw THE NOTEBOOK with my BEE EFF EFF Kristen. Started to go to DISCOVERY/STATUS. Saw THE WOODS from the ISLE OF MANN. All in all I said it was boring in a post but I did some rad things.
HAD TO SAY GOODBYE TO PARK = ( Big ol' mess with Valenica. Went back to VCC. Great Aunt Rosie Died. Started Micheal Phelps obbession. HURRICANE CHARLEY. Stayed at DISNEY POP CENTURY due to HURRICANE. More Phelps obbession. First big LJ DRAMA. Saw HIM once again for the first time in forever. All in all the month seemed like a fresh new start.
FASHION ROCK aka HURRICANfest 2004. Lots of texting with ANDREA. Lots of fights about my getting my butt in gear. Getting bored and being a ZOMBIE. HAIR done by KIMxKILLA. IBAR for the first time with KIM. Running into JOHNATHAN FREAKIN TAYLOR. Running into JEANNIE. Meeting tons of people. KRISTEN/KATY time!! ANOTHER FREAKING HURRICANE. All in all seemed like things were going for an upturn.
IBAR. KIM and BIKER BOYS. ANDREA is my DANCE PARTNER. "I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU" SG got a new skin graph on her neck making her taller. Had a great discussion with JASON and LYNETTE. Lots of emotional break downs. Saw GWENY for the first time in ages. CAMPxCOREx2004 with LIZTASTIC,LEE,AARYN and JENNA. Met:Daniela,Sean,Shelby and Nathan. JOHN KERRY rally with KIM. Voted for the first time. All in all started what would be come really good friendships.
MY COMPUTER DIED! Got to go to DISNEY for free and ride STICH'S GREAT ESCAPE with my Mommy and SG. Saw THE INCREDIBLES with Dave and SG. Went to KAT's WEDDING. FOUND OUT GIN WAS MOVING OUT!! Stop going to school. Growing even closer to EMILY ELIZABETH aka LEE aka LEEtilla,PHISHFOOD4LYFE. ALE HOUSE.FOOTSEY.Spending the night at SHELBY's and yelling profanities in the middle of the night. BIBLE STUDY. Cici's with EMILY/JASON(JAMES)/DREW/HOLLY/JT. Went to the Grandparents for THANKSGIVING. All in all not alot happened this month, beside getting closer to my new friends.
HOMELESSOUT REACH MINISTRIES. LIGHTS at DOWNTOWN. Dinosaur fights in the middle of parking lots. WALGREEN'S BATHROOM FUN with EMILY. LOCKHEED MARTIN and BACKWARDS DRIVING with D-ELA. EMILYS BIRTHDAY EXTRAGANZA. CS LEWIS. GWEN STEFANI. "Shelby is the bagel chips to my Chex squares", We were destined to be friends. Snuggle/Movie time with SHELBY and JAMIE. Christmas Decorating. ANDREA'S 19th BIRTHDAY PICNIC/CRUSH/STEAK N SHAKE. Getting a job working at ST LUKES UMC as a CHILDGIVER. EMILYS SCAVENGE HUNT! SIDHOFFMAN OR SIDFRENCHMAN? BEST BUY. BARNES AND NOBLE. SWOMEE-SWANS. "I use to be with the witch but now i'm with the jellyfish." DIXELAND STAMPEDE with KRISTEN AND ERIC. Watching "NAPOLEAN DYNOMITE" finally for the 1st time with PARKER/SHELBY/SEAN @Parkers.
All in all the BEST MONTH EVER.
This year I have made some really dumb mistakes. Lost touch with some really good friends. Made some an awesome new group of friends whom I cherish more than they know. Also am starting to mature and grow as an adult, next year I hope for the same. I truly am blessed and am grateful for everything God has blessed me with. I love and adore you all and wish you all the best of luck.
Kathryn Elizabeth