Hey Hey!
1. basics
- name: Madeline Margaret Miriam Mathews All Ms! But, most everyone calls me Maddy.
- age: 15
- location: Toronto, Canada
- shoe size: 8 1/2 women’s, but right now I’m wearing a 9 men’s. Go figure.
2. favourites
- who’s your favourite comedian & why?
Conan O’Brian. I just discovered this guy a couple weeks ago when he came to Toronto. They showed some clips of his show and I realized he’s absolutely hilarious and goofy. I want to be funny like him, you know, with very little shame. Haha. I also like Cathy Griffin and Charlie Chaplin.
- What cartoon do you like best & why? (if you don’t watch cartoons, you better have a damn good reason for it!!)
Family guy. The jokes are hilarious and the show is just gold. The characters are great too. I like Stewie and Peter best myself. Also King of the Hill is a runner-up. It’s really different humour, but there are some really great jokes every once in awhile. Ex:
Luanne: Uncle Hank, I quit being a virgin the first time I had sex.
Hank: Nobody likes a quitter, Luanne.
- What song makes you laugh & why?
Total eclipse of the heart, by Bonnie Tyler. It is the cheesiest piece of cheese that ever cheesed. That’s what makes it funny. I love that crazy ballad even though it’s nothing like all the other music I listen to. Gotta love it.
“Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart”
- What’s your favourite joke?
If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Haha. It’s lame, sorry, but I still laugh at it. I don’t know about favourite but it’s the first that comes to mind.
3. getting to know you better
- Tell us a funny story that’s happened to you or someone you know (you get bonus points if it’s embarrassing, and you’re probably accepted already if it’s kinky! ;>)
This just proves that I have the memory of a goldfish.
I was at my friend’s house and we were making lunch. She was toasting some bread and I put a pizza pop in the microwave for a minute when the fuse blew and the power went out. My friend, Sarah, carefully explained that you can’t have the microwave and the toaster operating at the same time in her house or, consequently, the fuse will blow. She went into the basement to fix it and I sat and waited for awhile. After a few minutes the power was on and she hadn’t come back. I was getting quite hungry. I grabbed my pizza pop and put it in the microwave. I had just pressed the start button when Sarah came running back up the stairs yelling “Maddy! NOOO! It was too late. The toaster was on, and you can figure out what happened next. That’s right; I blew her fuse twice in the span of about 5 minutes
- make up a joke on the spot. (please don’t paste from the internet, we check. bonus points are awarded for effort and originality) Ok, so a screwdriver walks into a bar and the bartender says “hey, we have a drink named after you.” and the screwdriver asks “You have a drink named Steve?” Hahahaha. Well, I find it funny.
- tell us a funny/unusual fact (from your general knowledge). about anything/anyone.
I’ll tell you a few:
-coca cola was originally green. Hey, I’d drink it.
-101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die during the movie. Makes you think…
-Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. They also burn blue. Try it!
- link us to a site that’ll make us laugh. (it can be a pic, a cartoon, a sound, a game, whatever, as long as it doesn’t take more than 5 mins to check it out)
I love this one, shfifty five with group X.
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/schfiftyfive.php And "The End of the World" cartoon. Makes me laugh every time.
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/endofworld.html (you might have to copy and paste the links into the url.)
- post a pic of yourself, but make sure you’ve read the rules before you do.
That's me doing my rendition of Cleveland's "Partay ova heerrrre" bit on family guy. Props if you know the episode I'm talking about. Haha, I'm wearing my school gym uniform sweats.
I love that pic. It's in my userinfo. I'm wearing my friend's Kurt Cobain glasses.
- and one last thing... we’re trying to get this community running, so please promote us to another one before applying, and link us. we’ll check.
I promoted you to
woah_baby . My friends are the mods. You guys should check it out too!