I don't remember much either..kinda sucks..a whole lot.
Do you have any pictures you can send me from the concert??
If you ever need any help with a school project...I will totally be there with a crap load of sparkles and glue! You'll have the prettiest bristol-board ever!!
I dont think I took any pictures?? Did I?? I will be so happy if I did! But where did I find a camera??
Hahahah bristol boards are the only thing I really put work into when I have a project. Eff the research and such...just make it look purdy!Man, I still think we should follow our planning careers! We could do SO much decorating with that. MWAHAHAH!
Comments 2
Do you have any pictures you can send me from the concert??
If you ever need any help with a school project...I will totally be there with a crap load of sparkles and glue! You'll have the prettiest bristol-board ever!!
I will be so happy if I did! But where did I find a camera??
Hahahah bristol boards are the only thing I really put work into when I have a project. Eff the research and such...just make it look purdy!Man, I still think we should follow our planning careers! We could do SO much decorating with that. MWAHAHAH!
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