Help I need a new layout!
Hey everybody, I'm sorry I have not updated in so long. Or when I do its lame posts that really do not say anything. I have pictures and lots of fun stuff to post for everybody today!!
Well lets see.. :)
Tam and I. This is from, November or something I don't really remember, but yeah, its from November on some late start day or maybe October? I MISS YOU TAM!! My Baby Gurl! <3
Well, all of you have probably already seem me with my hair dyed all dark. Its pretty red now, but it was purple-ish before. Kind of like that. Not the greatest picture of me but its alright?
Elsa and I! We took a whole bunch of pictures so yeah I'll post a couple. hehe. I have my LADY PATRIOTS SOCCER shirt on! yay
hehehe I love this picture! Yeah Elsa! hottie <3
Elsa and I again. I AM SO PALE!! hehe nothing new right? :p
Sammi and her "ghetto sleve" hehe LOVIN' IT! woo woo
NOW..... AS PROMISED!!!!!!!!!!
PiCtUrEs Of JaCk & I!!! <333 :D
idk why hes feelin on his booty?? we were at Lizzys house! :-)
okay now that is the cutest picture of us. i have some new ones but umm they arent too great? YA. i'll post more later.
Anywho, I've gotta take a family picture tonight so I should get ready. :) <333
Hugs & kisses
I'll post more stuff later. <33333
Love Always,