Here's some stuff I wrote in school in my notebook while I was bored.
I'm writing in homeroom because I wanted to say something before I forgot. Everyone' a F*cking punk!! WTF?? It's a trend still I guess - @ a prep school? Every girl is wearing bracelets from Hot Topic ! Why would you go to Hot Topic to buy just bracelets? It's over priced and cheap quality. My style is slowly and gradually changing to ska since I'm not allowed to wear black. My God ! Now some boys just asked the girl next to me if her "mom asked her to pull it down a bit?" *referring to her skirt*. That kid's a man-whore.
I wish we had a snow day today. Everyone even the teachers said we should have had one. We have a 2 hour delay, but the only good thing so far is that I was listening to GC for 3 1/2 hours and now we'll have 30 min. periods which hopefully will make this day go by fast. I just heard that something happened to some girl in the hallway and there's people helping her. The people in my class actually want to go see what happened. That's kind of low. Give her some privacy. Some people are throwing things away just to see what happened.
They blocked every website online in the school. That's so gay. I can't even go on LiveJournal here which sucks becyase I just got an LJ last night. I'll just have to go on Blurty here. WELL, now that I've attracted attention from writing a full page... - I have Green Day stuck in my head."Bit my lip and close my eyes, take me away to paradise!" I dont want to go to health clas next. I have no chair in that class! Someone stole my f*cking desk !! Now I have to sit next to some Indian/Punk.
I wanna listen to Weezer now. I would be alot happier if I could hear "H*sh Pipe" right now. That would make my day =). But what's making my happier now is knowing I'm getting Morrissey's "Bona Drag" for Christmas =D =D !! Woulsn't that make you happy? Of course it would. Now I have "Suedehead" stuck in my head. But that's okay !
This is what I wrote in tutoring today.
I'm in tutoring now and I have nothing to do b/c I did my homework already and I'm also trying to hide what I'm writing. Shh! When I go home I'm putting all of this in my LJ. I wonder how Neeny's day off was since she didn't have to go to school today! Not Fair! I'm hoping we'll have a snowday someday this week. I would be nice. I miss Nora! I feel like I haven't talked to her in a while! But she's been away the past two GCS chats. Supposedly people are mad @ eachother and that sucks majorly. We were all best friends this summer and now I feel like I hardly ever talk to them anymore. I miss them like CRAZY! They all helped me alot when I first started to noticed I was depressed and had anxiety. They gave me advice. Especially Nora and Neeny because it seemed like they knew exactly what I was going through. And of course Ms. Jada was more like Dr. Jada. I Love that girl!