A little while ago, I tossed around the idea of February as Interactive Fiction Writing Month and met with some positive feedback. It turns out that February is Real Soon Now.
So here's the pitch: instead of a single, month long project, I think it would be a good idea to have four week-long projects. The first week would be strictly about becoming familiar with Inform, the second would involve introducing a puzzle of some sort, maybe the third would require a basic NPC, and the fourth would be open. This way, people are not trying to learn the technical aspects simultaneously with the aesthetic aspects, and people with more or less current skill can enter or exit as they wish. Though I recognize the NaNoWriMo approach (write as much as you can, very quickly!) as a fun one, this is more about minimal but open-ended requirements. Achieving the basic goal should be easily within reach.
The completed games would be made available to all of the participants. At the end of the second and fourth weeks, people geographically close to each other could get together, play some of the completed games, and have some design discussion (basically a friendly crit).
If this happens, I would encourage CMU's Game Creation Society to join, and I would do some amount of postering/internet publicity to get other new people as well.
So, the question is: who is in? Who would be in if it were a different month (be honest)? Or if we did the second half of February and the first half of March, maybe?