may i just say you are the biggest loser ever you are not very attractive you are rude and your voice sounds like a whiny man. get a life. and by the way, people talk more shit about you than you think, so dont be too full of yourself babe.
hey just incase u came back to check this i want to let u know that sticks and stines may break my bones but words will never hurt me. i may sound like im 5 but ya i dont care what u say cause if u dont like me just dont hang out with me.BABE!!! and it seems u dont have the balls so say who u are so ya, and why do u care how i act if u hate me so much y r u telling me this so fuck off bitch. and sry to use foul language if ur reading this mother.peace.
hey sry i didnt write back sooner my computer wasnt working for awhile i dont need to erase it, it just shows how low people an get. ya i dont knwo who it was but i have a pritty good idea thxs chria and see ya around.
Comments 7
you are not very attractive you are rude and your voice sounds like a whiny man. get a life. and by the way, people talk more shit about you than you think, so dont be too full of yourself babe.
Its Chris I found ur sn on Kristina's lj. You should delete that message from that anonymous person.
we all know YOU are the one convering that shit.
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