[. About You .]
Name: Nicole
Age: I feel really young saying this . . . 12
Location: Michigan
Gender: Female
Sign: Capricorn
[. Favorites .]
Band/Singer: Good Charlotte
Store: Plato's Closet
Music: Whatever sounds good to me at the moment
C.d.: that I have - Chronicles of life and Death (Good Charlotte), that I want - Songs from Instant Star(Alexz Johnson)
Whats your best quality: My ability to cook :D
What's your worst quality: My lack of determination
Make us laugh:
http://www.makeyoulaugh.com/cgi-bin/getpage.pl?z=x&d=4&n=elevator22 fun things to do in an elevator
[. Opinions On . ]
Gay Marrige- I think that if that's how you feel, go ahead. If you're straight, don't bash people because they're different from you. That's like bashing black people because they're black.
Abortion- I think that it's murder. Unless the mother would die, or it was a rape.
[. Essay .]
Who's your role model or Hero -My role model right now, is my mother. She was a young mom, had to put up with my dad in college for (I think) 8 years, and in two weeks, she's going back to school herself. She has raised two annoying children (my brother and I) and kept her cool through it all.
[. Promotion/Pic's .]
You can put a pic. It's optional. I would if I had a good one on my computer.
Promote at least 1 place. Show a link where you promoted.