Title: Dead Zone Alchemy (2/5) Fandom: SPN Rating: PG-13 Summary: Hunting is an accidental occupation. Notes: The WiP that slept throughout S4. Needless to say, now utterly, utterly AU.
This is fantastic. :) Sam is so dislocated and half-crazed, I'm afraid for Jo to be around him. And I can't figure her out either. She gonna turn him in now? Hmm. And is Dean coming back?
You're going to leave it *there*? With trapped!Sam, missing!Ellen, converging!hunters, headbashing!Jo, bodyhopping!fratdemons and mysterious wisps of smoke all hanging loose? *shakes head* So untidy.
In other words-that was great! When will you update? :)
Aw, I'm disappointed the rest isn't up yet. Looking forward to it.
I have to say, I'm interested to see what the result of Jo's punch will be. No disrespect to Jo, I like her fine, but I don't think she could knock Sammy out.
Comments 10
Heh, very, very interesting so far. I look forward to more!
With trapped!Sam, missing!Ellen, converging!hunters, headbashing!Jo, bodyhopping!fratdemons and mysterious wisps of smoke all hanging loose?
*shakes head*
So untidy.
In other words-that was great! When will you update?
The next chapter is coming up soon. It just needs some proof-reading a couple of minor tweaks. Thanks for reading and commenting! :)
p.s. Am digging your icon.
I have to say, I'm interested to see what the result of Jo's punch will be. No disrespect to Jo, I like her fine, but I don't think she could knock Sammy out.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! The next chapter will be posted soon.
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