I suppose it's over then... it's done. I'll have to move on, I guess... I hate to think of being with someone else after spending so much time dedicated to her... I hate to think of being with someone else while I'm still so dedicated to her. And I know how it'll end up, too. I'll finally be happy with someone else and then Dolohov will fuck up and she'll come running to me. I can't do this...
Benjy's stressed, I'm stressed, Charlotte's been raped, Bellatrix is drinking again, Delame seems as unstable as ever, Fletcher's going to die, Acacia can't play Quidditch. What the hell is wrong with the world right now?
Yeah... how is everyone? I haven't made a normal post in a while...
I've done some research with Benjy on the Curse and it's after-effects. Do you think you would know anything we couldn't find in the books? If not, I'll just leave you alone... you've seemed in sort of a bad mood recently...