-label things, imbuing them with an essence (existence comes before essence. Nietzche and Sartre)
-River: deeply intuitive. A reader, a psychic, a witch, ain’t quite right
-Mal "If I wanted to hear medical jargon, I'll talk to a doctor"
-Jubal: (When asked if he’s a bounty hunter) No. ...I”m a bounty hunter!
-River and Early both look past masks.
“"Either blow us all up or rub soup in our hair. It's a toss-up." Wash hopes it's the soup thing, because it's funny and nobody dies.”
-Nietche’s 3 metaporphosis, skipped from a camel to a child due to govenment interference.
-perceives things in strange light. Gun=branch. Just an object. Shows her innocence. Existential Joy. River’s feet in the episode
- Simon asks River how she's doing.]
River: Going. Going back, like… apple bits coming back up. Chaos.
Simon: But you felt okay this morning?
River: [smiles] Played with Kaylee. The sun came out, and… I walked on my feet, and… heard with my ears. [more raggedly] I ate the bits. The bits did stay down. And I work. I… function like I'm a girl. [sobbing] I hate it because I know it'll go away. The sun… goes dark, and chaos is come again. Bits… fluids! What am I?!
Simon: You are my beautiful sister.
River: I- I threw up on your bed.
Simon: Yep. Definitely my sister. (war stories)
- River: "Day" is a vestigial mode of time measurement, based on solar cycles. It's not applicable. [pauses] I didn't get you anything. (OoG)
For Early is it the exact opposite, he sees the world in terms of existential despair.
~Simon: Are you alliance?
Early: A lion? I don’t think of myself as a lion, you might as well though. Got a mighty powerful roar.
- Early sees the world through a completely different perspective
Simon: You're outta your mind.
Early: That's between me and my mind.
~ Early: They make psychiatrists get psychoanalyzed before they can get certified, but they don't make a surgeon get cut on. That seem right to you?
Inanimate objects
~Early also comments on guns he says they’re pretty,he likes the weight. The design of the thing is functional.
-River forces the viewer to see inanimate objects in another light by giving voice to Serenity. To the outside world, she appears to imbue the ship with her own essence. The moment Early loses power is the moment he buys into the ploy.
-EARLY:This is her room.
EARLY:It's empty.
SIMON:I know.
EARLY:So is it still her room when it's empty? Does the room, the thing have purpose? Or are we... what's the word...
SIMON:I really can't help you.