i have lots of thoughts, opinions, feelings and etc. about The Riots, yes? but i also feel like - maybe? - reblogs on tumblr: sometimes not the absolute best way to get at the necessary nuances. YES. NUANCES OF UNDERSTANDING ARE NECESSARY HERE. (if i could work out where the "hash" sign is on a mac keyboard i would also have something to say about
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Comments 34
But, thipe made art, so I feel better now
have just seen thipeart. wish i could work out how to rightclick on mac so i can share the soothing with others...
also, ICONS (the boris one doesn't icon so well i think)
ahahahahaha ICON!
1 Which is not to say you should feel at all obligated to expound them, of course.
my thoughts SUCK. i am somewhere in a mess of "oh SHIT people's HOMES/BUSINESSES/AREAS" and "isn't this a HELPFUL reason to not look hard at police actions esp. when people have DIED" and "awful things are happening and need to stop but this does not mean that any and all routes to stopping it are okay plus there is still that SMALL PROBLEM of the differential policing of areas based on race" (which should be phrased more strongly but i am kind of aware that this is not my rhetoric to chuck about so, i am chickening out). annnnd much of talking about this feels like i am saying "HEY! look at me being all UNDERSTANDING OF THE RACE ISSUES!!! [include here institutional racism; why some areas are super-poor compared to others; etc. etc. etc.] " re: which; my opinions are not... not actually the ones that should be considered! or anyway, the ones with [as in Should Have] any weight or relevance, even for my friends.
Which seems like a mess I can agree with, so thank you! I mean, all I really know is that there's relatively widespread rioting, possibly sparked by the police killing someone(?). I figure that at least some of the rioters are protesting for valid reasons (and I should probably try to find out what they are, particularly wrt the race issues). I am sad that people's property is being destroyed. And I think it's extremely probable that at least some of the police are behaving as badly as some of the rioters.
also, i hate humans. brb, applying to become a robot.
I have been reading a bit about riots for my essay - the formation of the Metropolitan Police was a reaction to rioting and fears that the propertied classes were living in fear of the increasing masses of poor people who were coming to mess with their shit, or so they assumed.
So I can see the bigger picture with regards poverty, it just doesn't make me particularly sympathetic to people attacking people's homes and livelihoods.
(and I pray for London. Often. Mostly because of thipe mind. We should all pray for London and its Cheeseboys.)
(Oh wait. I mean prey on not pray for. Sorry.)
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