Today, I realized how many people I actually know at UMD. Sometimes I forget. It was nice though, running into all these people I haven't seen in weeks, having way too much to talk about in the few minutes before class starts, especially when some of us have yet to find our classrooms.
My first class was psychology, which I have with 3 of my friends. First, we discussed the different areas of study and then did a Pepsi v. Coke blind taste test. I was a subject, but according to Dr. Wrobel, you can't call them "subjects" anymore; it's "participant" to imply willingness of participation. Even though I wasn't all that willing to drink pop at 10 a.m. And as part of the class, we have to be "participants" in 3 hours of on-campus research. Yay, guniea pigs!
Then I had art history (pre-1400). I think I'm going to need a lot of caffeine to get through it. Someone actually started snoring, loudly, about 20 minutes into the class. I can't blame him, it was the first day, and cave paintings aren't all that thrilling. I imagine things will pick up a bit once we get out of the Paleolithic era, though.
I have a two hour break after art history, so I had lunch in the UC, where lots of amusing, digusting, and oddly intriguing conversations took place.
My last class of the day was intro to painting, which is going to be amazing, I can tell. The professor is so weird, it's great. We just did pencil and charcoal drawings today, and I realized how out of practice I am, so I'm going to draw more often. We don't have class next week because of Martin Luther King Day, which means I have some extra time to buy the large quantity of required art supplies. It's not a big deal though, I'd have to spend that much on books in any other class.
Tomorrow I have honors history, which I'm actually excited for. We're studying the Bible from a historical perspective, which should be at least mildly interesting after all those years learning about it from the theological point of view. And someone's bound to get offended; that's always fun.