Okay, so yeah. What the fuck. I was watching this piece of shit movie thinking "It's got a demonic biker with a flaming skull, something like the Devil himself, and the Devil's son. Can't be that bad, right?" Wrong. Was it just me, or did anyone else notice how that little fuck Dark-something seemed like he was trying to be me? Normally I don't mind. I mean, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that. In this case, though, it felt more like ripping me off. Maybe it was because he was doing it badly. Or maybe it was because, oh I don't know, he actually ripped me the fuck off!!! Spirits flying around, going through him, being absorbed into him, giving him power? Red eyes afterwards? Gee, I think that sounds familiar. Jesus fucking Christ.
Alright, Darkshit. Listen up. First of all, get a new fucking name. That has to be the most cliche name I've ever heard. Next to Ghost Rider of course...for a motorcycle rider that's...not...a fucking ghost? Whatever. Second, don't rip off your betters unless you can do it right. You can't pull off a Spirit Possession Manifesto without it being cheesy as all hell without enough proper badass buildup. You tried, but you failed. Maybe it's because you got shorted on your good guy...that Ghost Rider was a joke...or maybe you're just not good enough. Finally, remember...if you do it right, I'm flattered; if you do it wrong, I'm insulted. And I get pretty fucking pissed off when people insult me.
Oh yeah, and before I forget...lay off the lame one liners like "They call me leeeegion. For I am maaaany". They only emphasize how stupid you are.
Christ. Kids these days.
Mephistopheles? (If I spelled your name right?) I like you. You can stay. You're the only thing worth a shit out of that whole goddamn movie. ...Besides Roxanne, of course. She's got potential, if we get her away from Blaze.