Be good to Vertex or he will pout!
You're aunt beast's haiku thread!
You have been copied
by other houses because
you're really quite ace :)
You're quite the artiste, aren't you? ;) And even
if you're not, everyone totally envies you -
you've been stolen enough times to be proof of
that ;) Sometimes you're very deep - but most
of the time you're truly bizarre.
Not to worry though, you're a sign of Ravenclaw
ingenuity and will always be associated with
the beastliest of us all.
What silly VH thing are you? brought to you by
Quizilla You're Lestat de Lioncourt. Deserted right after
you were turned vampire, you're a self-made
man. You're aristocratic, snobbish, flamboyant
and seductive.
Which Villain are you? brought to you by