53 Text only icons, mostly from wordboner or weheartit, though the last few are quotes from The Guild. Plus some random Labyrinth icons I found on my photobucket mixed in with these that I apparently made sometime in March... ?
28 icons from many misc. fandoms +[1] Phantom of the Opera (2004) +[15] Archer +[6] The Dead Zone (mostly Sarah Bannerman) +[5] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Mirror Universe)
I swear I've been making icons, everyone! I just never get around to posting them! Here are 50 American Gothic icons from the pilot. I went a little crazy after screencapping that episode for my entries at scifi_abc, so there are about 140 icons total in this batch (this is post 1 of 3 due to lj space requirements).
Topic: American Gothic Subject: general series Additional Notes: OMG, this was horrific- it's IMPOSSIBLE to find images from American Gothic! I took all of the actual caps myself, but there were some tight spots where I had to use the wonky promo pics. I made a bunch of blanks from my caps, so I'll post those later.