Name: Sara
Age & Birthdate: 15, August 20th
Location: Portland, Oregon
Ethnicity: German/Irish
religion: agnostic
What you got?: I GOT THAT BOOM BOOM
Favorite Movies: Full Metal Jacket, We were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, Van Wilder, Mona Lisa Smile
Favorite Singers/bands(3 atleast) and why: Blink 182- They're so creative. All they have to do to write music is separate themselves, then they come together and their music is hilarious, and obnoxious.
The Ataris- the band puts everything together. Kris is always singing about his daughter, and how he is sorry he doesn't talk to her. You instantly know what they're singing about.
Christina Aguilera- I don't even need to explain in a big paragraph. I am so amazed at the "change" she's gone through. Theres a big change because of some of the lyrics she has.
Best Invention ever in your opinion and why?: The Microwave. I could not cook if my life depended on it. The buttons are clear, and if it's not cook. You put it in longer. Need I explain more? Voila.
What’s your worst and best quality?: My worst quality would be not telling my closest friends my feelings. She could say something awful to me, but would I say something? No.
My best quality is sense of humor, and how I use it to cheer people up. When my friends crying, i'll tell a joke, or run into the wall, and they'll get cheered up.
Fav. Color?: blue, pink, red, black
Fav. Book?: I really like to read. so it would be hard to have a favorite. Out of all I have read, I was a Teenage Fairy was the best.
Fav activity and why?: Volleyball--because I've been playing it since I was in 3rd grade, and volleyball is really intense, and I really like the feeling of having so much power, if you're really good--people are afraid to play you in games.
Whats you biggest fear?: The middle of the night. Even in my own REALLY safe neighborhood, when it gets past 9:30, i'm scared.
A lyric to describe you: i practiced all the things I'd say
to tell you how I feel
and when I finally get my chance
it all seems to surreal
cause from the first time I saw you
i only thought about you
i didn't know you
i wanted to hold on to
the things you'd never say to me
Background info: i have no backround info of communities
Ever applyed to another community? no
IF SO, which ones, and were you accepted? n/a
What will you add to this community? I'll add happiness, promotion, spazness, and...alltogether, open minds
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Now post 3 or more CLEAR pictures of your face. Again, Use the LJ-CUT please.