Name: Alyssa
Age & Birthdate: Fifteen and June eighteen nineteen eighty nine
Location: G-Rock Michigan *Grand Rapids*
Ethnicity: White *I have Italian in me*
Religion: Aithiest. I believe in no god
What you got?: Oh.. I got that boom boom.
Favorite Movies: Thirteen, Texas Chainsaw Massicre, Freaky Friday, Jackass, Farass Bulers Day Off, Dumb And Dumber, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Now and Then, Romy and Michelle's Highschool Reunion, All the Adam Sandler Movies and South Park bigger longer and uncut.
Favorite Singers/bands(3 atleast) and why: Marilyn Manson because I love his not afraid to be different with everything he does attitude. Kittie because they are an awesome all chick metal band. Kamilla because they are an awesome local metal band and because my friend's uncle is in that band. Slipknot just because they are slipknot at they kick that kinda ass. HIM because Bam Margera likes them and because they just have some really kick ass songs.
Best Invention ever in your opinion and why?: That one Washington Carver guy because he made peanut butter and peanut butter is the shit. If it wasn't for peanut butter you couldn't have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
What’s your worst and best quality?: Worst is my fat becaue it isn't pretty and best is my eyes because they are pretty.
Fav. Color?: Tie between black, pink, green, purple and red.
Fav. Book?: I have never read an entire book in my life but I have started a bunch. I did like that one cut book though. I thought it was kewl but I don't know what happens to the one chick. I kinda want to know so I think I might finish it someday.
Fav activity and why?: Going to concerts because you can go with your friends and have a great time and you can make new friends. I love making new friends. It is so much fun!
Whats you biggest fear?: Being alone. I don't know why.. I just hate it.. If I am alone too long by myself I get all shaky.. It's weird.
A lyric to describe you: That one I hate you but I love you song. It's not really a lyric it is an entire song so yeah. I know everyone has heard it. It is an amazing song. I love it.
Background info:
Ever applyed to another community? Yesh sir/ma'am
IF SO, which ones, and were you accepted? xinner_beautyx, beautysuicide and misfit_hotties.
What will you add to this community? A person that loves ducks and spatulah's and someone that loves midgets and someone that is a PIMP!
Promote _wantme_ to another community or 3 journals. Then tell us where you promoted us. Alright.. I did it in rawrtojoel, nemo_freak and shadysbaby5733.
Now post 3 or more CLEAR pictures of your face. Again, Use the LJ-CUT please