Not my art this time, but the picture that was drawn for me by Kit_Ither for this month's round of the Gryphon_Xchange.
Based on Raine as a Yellow Warbler Gryphon
lj user name: Tigerblaze
Valid e-mail:
Name: Raine
Gender: Female
Max rating of picture (G-R): R
Forequarters: Yellow Warbler
Hindquarters: Orange Tabby Cat
Eyes: Dark green, almost black
Description: Her coat is a yellowy orange, with darker, tabby stripes on it (see stripe pattern here: She has a very long feline tail that is a darker orangey color at the tip.
The fur fades into her feathers at the shoulders, where the wings come out. Her feathers are a little more yellow than her fur, but still more orange than a normal Yellow Warbler's would be. Her chest feathers are a deeper yellowy-orange than the rest of her. Her wings are the same yellow as her feathers, but the edges fade back to an orangey hue, same as her chest, and have the markings of a Warbler on them.(Reference picture 2). Her forehead, also, has a slightly deeper orange color to it(see reference picture 2).
Her two ears are much like a cats would be, a little bit larger than would be proportionally correct, with small black feathery tuffs at the ends.
She's not a big Griff, but not real tiny, either - about the size of a leopard. A little on the plump side - not fat, mind you, but she's not whispy thin.
She does have large backpaws for her size.
Her front talons are like a bird's feet - three front 'toes' and a back 'thumb.'
They're a dark gray/yellowy/orange color. The leg is completly feathered up until a little before the wrist.
Accessories (clothing, jewlery, weapons, etc): Raine wears one and one piece of jewelery only, and she is never without it - a raindrop shaped pendant worn around her neck on a black cord. She has no other clothing or anything.
Personality: She's timid unless around people she knows and trusts. It takes a lot to ger her angry, but once her temper kicks in you don't want to be within a mile of her claws. She's a huge Daydreamer, and optomistic about life. The small things in life make her happy, like clouds parting after a thunderstorm, the wind rustling leaves, and the colors of butterfly wings. She is very emotional and many things make her cry, but in general she is a happy little Griffy. She loves the outdoors and the woods, and appreciates all life as great. One of her favorite activities is to go out into a sunlit meadow and daydream in the grass. She's an idealist and a romantic, but she is not naive - she has been hurt before, but choses not to become cynical.
Anything else we should know: Nope - have fun with her >^-^<
Reference Pictures (please give full URLs. If you have none, please at least include reference pictures of the species):
Yellow Warbler References:
1. 2. 3. 4. Tabby Stripe Pattern: Is it not so pretty?
I really, really like it.