Amazing Grace

Dec 06, 2005 12:10

When I am not in E Villa, I spend late nights in the basement of Western's performing arts building, stuffed in a small overlooked practice room, crammed between forgotten music stands, cymbals and an xylophone, lit by only a dim floor lamp. It is pointed directly at the forlorn keys of my battered piano. I sit there in the semi darkness looking ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

norathedestroya December 6 2005, 13:00:37 UTC
You amaze me.


_whygeorgiawhy_ December 6 2005, 13:32:11 UTC
is it impolite to ask why?


norathedestroya December 6 2005, 14:23:10 UTC
not impolite at all. Ill tell you.
The gift you posses is incredible, and how much you apreciate it is respectable. Someday I wish to find a gift like that in my life.


_whygeorgiawhy_ December 6 2005, 16:34:18 UTC
Thank you. It does not always sound incredible, but the happiness it brings me is certainly so. Gifts are not necessarily talents or even something that you in which you excel, but moreso, things that please you. Where do you find your joy? Answer that and you find your gift.


warmscars December 7 2005, 09:34:14 UTC
I wanted to tell you that the soundtrack of my life is changing.

this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever read. i know how this feels. i wish you so much joy, darling.


spooned December 7 2005, 15:47:31 UTC
i appreciate your selfishness, if only because it makes me feel less alone. the only reason i could ever fathom to justify writing is cuz it makes my heart sing and puts that stupid shit-eating grin of complete joy on my face. for the record, you are the only one you're going to wake up to for the rest of your life, and the only one you'll ever really have to answer to, so sing away kid. but come back to leavenworth or down to seattle or something, so i can see you.


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