fun packed weekend i have goin on. Ill be hangin with hawley like everyday woahhh! my poor adri is grounded fer the summer. sooo sad. Her mom is insane. i just got back dance and karlys party PICTURES! i look weird in some of them haha funny weird tho. theyll be up thursday!!!
dance last night was okay. dj sucked ass. But got to hang out with my boys again haha tom adam billy jared jake the whole deal. lol joshes party was sweet tho. We had our lil group goin of talkin bout like balls n all that jazz lol. jess slept over and were goin to the mall. dance and party pics will be up soon. k byeeeee
walked to jesses with adri and jess that was fun. Then stayed at jesses fer a couple of hours with adri. we had soo much fun haha we laughed sooo much! love them soo much lol
last night at justyns was super fun me kapa jake justyn shane *eric* haha adri hawley and jess, it was a super fun night!!! goin to petersonstongithf er the first time in about 5 years. oh yeah and im friends with loren again. ??