Today was certainly... interesting. *rae*
I woke up at like, 12:30 because my cell was ringing. I hardly knew what was going on but it was Danny and one of his "friends". So basically he told me we were gonna hang out today, and he'd be at my place in 45 minutes. I should've went back to sleep. *rubs temples*
So he gets here with his "friend", who looked like the domanatrix from hell, and he says we're going to Hot Topic. Now, I don't know about you but can you see me in that store? ... Me either.
So we get there and I end up buying this one shell necklace, while Dom Girl keeps touching my ass. Muy unpleasant. Thank God she left after that.
So after that, it was just me and Danny the rest of the day, hanging out. He sat on my leg and now I have no feeling in it whatsoever. Ow... :(
Anyway, I think I bonded with Matt and Brit last night. (Don't ask.) It was under awfully weird circumstances but it was cool. We're like this messed up version of the Three Musketeers. You have to respect that shit.
Ummm, anyway. You know how I've been questioning some things? I've got it all sorted out. And I have one thing to say in reguard to that -- do not be afraid to be you. I've told my parents and they totally respect it. So it's all good.
Adiós, guys.