ok, evidently last night as i was leaving, some guy said to me "shut the fuck up, you curse to much" and i was like "go fuck yourself ill cut you with a knife" apparently he was a pretty big dude who could have kicked my ass, oh well fuck it.
ok, so i got drunk last night, and its 1030 in the morning, and im still drunk, i woke up at like 630 and got ready for work, took a shower and everything, but then i had a genius idea to fucking go back to sleep for 30 minutes before i left? wtf, who does that? well i did, so i got to work at 10, yeah, im supposed to be here at 8, go me!
still no power. cold showers suck. paid 5.09$ a gallon for av fuel at the airport, around 100$ to fill up my tank. got a generator. gernerators are fucking loud. even with the generator cable or internet doesnt work. wasabi peas all week for lunch and dinner. warm soda taste like hilary clintons secretion. running out of clean clothes. bored.