Stephen Grant Confesses to Killing his Wife and Dismembering her BodyI can't believe all this stuff happened right by my house!!!!!! My cousin's friend is their neighbor. How disturbing to know that he probably looked out his window and saw this guy carrying garbage bags around, and driving away with his wife's head and torso and legs and arms all
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I wonder if he threw away that picture of me I gave him, or if it's still dirty and dog-eared in his wallet. I secretly hope he still has it and looks at it and smiles and remembers, but the smarter side of me knows it's probably sitting in a Florida landfill somewhere.
I remember being 16 and it makes me uncomfortable.
Hey, Maxine. I love you. I am sending you your artwork soon. I used it in a school project because I liked it so much. And because I want everyone to see your face.
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