i took my camera to rehearsal yesterday and today and got a bunch of pictures of my friends, blah, but also some to accompany my statesman article on the play. i need help picking which ones to use.
aidan hovering back in her corner, drinking an "illegal beverage."
i'll probably put this in the article somewhere. julie, christina, elise, and the chris murphy that we all know and love. if you see the line "chris murphy is gay" in my journal, it's about him. i know you have.
the beggars in a scene from act 2 (of 'the hunchback of notre dame', for those who are behind), led by clopin -- my buddy zach!
brittany and angie, who plays esmerelda in the play.
casey. i didn't take this, hoagie did, and i found it on my camera yesterday night. so stfu.
aidan's donkey whose name i forget right now. we have assigned seats and apparently, frank and aidan much dislike this. in case you can't read it, the note says "assigned seats can kiss my ass." (get it? ass? yeah.)
elise's speech in one of the beggar scenes.
my buddy emily, quite possible the best person on earth because she told jerimiah to get the fuck off of her.
the obscene ims that ken and bobby sent to my away message on wednesday morning.
lindsay, dutifully running lines with me, wednesday morning.
matt (as frollo) screaming at hoagie (as quasimodo).
hard at work in the statesman room, wednesday morning.
zach pretending to study his lines for the rehearsal ahead.
i pretty much know what ones i'll use, but i'd like some input. and tell my friends how nice and pretty they are. i'll pass it along.