The Basics
Location: Glasgo
Are you taken?:Nopee
Post a picture:
My shexy wabbit
Your best quality is:I can kinda shutup for a long time...well, Im antisocial....dam.
Your worst quality is:When I'm not shut up, Im loud and annoying.
[1-10, what would you rate yourself?]:5 and a half
Favorite Band?:Stereophonics
5+ Other Bands You Like: aerosmith, the libertines, foo fighters, sexpistols, the white stripes
Movies 5+ : Lion king, Lionking2, the italian job, southpark the movie, nightmare before christmas
Shows: friends, simpsons, spongebob v.v, Will and Grace, Jackass
Stores You Shop, storm, whiplash, whoswho, hellfire, osirus, mindbodyspirit
Food: Strawberry jelly <3 OH AND happy hippos.
Ice Cream Flavor:chocolate chip n mint, I know, very boring.
Book/Author:errm, Louise reninson, she is so fukin funny she writes the Gorgia Nickolson books fukin hall.<3
Colour: Midnight blue
Animal:dogz, they seem to love peepolez and...they r cool.:P
Favorite Instrument:Drumssss *pats drums* =)
Getting to know you
Hobbies:shopping and just, goin out n stuff =P
Things You Love:Just having a laugh with my pals and bein totaly hiper....AND CORN.....and paul =)<3
Things You Hate:v.v peepole, Well not really, just annoying people, meh.
One random/weird thing about you:When I was 3, I had a nightmare that a tractor ate me, it developed into a phobia o.0
Make Us Laugh, tell us a joke or funny story or even post a funny picture of something:Ummm.....:P
Sorry V.v
Do you think you are different? Why?:yIp , I am strange :P
Music you hate to admit you listen to:...Guns n roses v.v dont judge me.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Why?:My hair, Its all fuzzy :P
If you are accepted you are expected to:
-post often
-vote often
-take part in the themes
-promote the community...agree?:Sure :)
Promote us to at least 1 journal (not your own) and 2 communities : Okay I did, I did it in sixwaystreet, captain_pee and we_fucking_own
Where did you hear or find out about this community:Hollie I think.....v.v
Picture Section
100x100 picture of yourself to put in the user info if you get accepted! Not 200x200 or 100x150 just 100x100.
~ Post 3 + pictures that shows us your everyday self and don't forget to include a 100x100 picture of yourself to put in the user info if you get accepted!
Im dead chuffed in that photo lolz!
Same small oneee
Thats me, soweee if I broed u V.v Byeeee
{Dam i haf editeed this 3 times :/}