May 27, 2005 17:16
lifes good now and i have an awesome icon.
May 25, 2005 15:03
i thought you were my friend. god damn i was wrong. when you have a problem with me, how dare you talk shit about my best friend and my boyfriend. REAL MATURE id say. last but not least rouf rouf i love being my brothers dog. i mean come on wtf is that. some girls are just two faced little bitches. and plus i always kept your secrets.
May 23, 2005 16:20
so i definately missed A LOT at school today ha w/e
May 23, 2005 12:43
this morning i woke up not feeling very well...
sore throat
runny nose
body aches
and extremely tired
May 21, 2005 16:17
hung out with ryan today...and now HEATHER'S SWEET SIXTEEN AT 6:30 ...then Erica's is sleeping over...on of the best days of my life.
May 20, 2005 20:40
good week, heathers party is going to be amazing, umm i love ryan, heather, heather, and erica. i love everyone else to but i love these people for special reasons this week.
why am i writing this no one ever comments on this bitch anyways.
May 15, 2005 09:28
This morning i told Ryan that I wanted to wake up at nine and no earlier, and he called me at exactly nine o clock just to say he loved me. I love him so gosh darn much. Hes the bestest boyfriend ever <3...and today I am hanging out with him.
Do me a favor please and touch your lips to mine <3