So, I remembered this meme that I did forever and a day ago, that I probably got from Fiona. It was 50 things that make you happy, and 10 things that make you sad. Well, I need a pick-me-up right now, so I think I'll list things that make me happy in no particular order.
Billy Martin fics, Fullmetal Alchemist, Comic books like Next Exit and re:PLAY, My massive list of all things tiny and cute, Myspace/livejournal comments, My Chemical Romance, funny icons, Andi and Sam and Meli, rain, Malcolm (my car), my Angie and her story, throwing mini-jawbreakers at people while driving, Michael Darling (nicknamed after the character from Peter Pan, because, dammit! He just isn't a Mikey), screaming "I am the night!" as I dash yellow lights, driving through Snobsdale blaring Avenged Sevenfold or something equally distasteful to those yuppie bastards, acoustic songs, smoking, being independent, random phonecalls or textmessages just saying they miss me, goo goo dolls, tattoos and piercings or even just heaering a tattoo gun, paychecks, being able to feed my car, going 20 over the speed limit at all times, new Good Charlotte CD next month, Boondock Saints, remembering the good times in Seattle, remembering the week when my mother and her husband went to Belize (Angie and I had the house to ourselves), popsicles, sammiches, short hair.
Well, that covers a bit of it.
Keep the Faith