(no subject)

Apr 10, 2005 15:19

If you're going to think I'm retarded and childish for this, stop reading right now. You know exactly who you are.

I need to let off some steam.

-My sister. She has ZERO respect for my things. For the past, oh, 5 or 6 years? All she ever does is play around with my stuff. Like this morning. I went in my bathroom and one of my eyeshadows was opened and there was eyeshadow all over the counter. And she had used the freaking last of my biore pore strip things. (Most girls know how expensive those are, so you can imagine I was pissed.) She has been told off TIME and TIME again for this and she STILL does it. She plays with my shaving cream. Doesn't use it, just plays with it. She steals my makeup. I've found no less than 10 of my CDs in her room at one time or another. And no, I wasn't going snooping to steal from her; I was looking for the CDs. The last time I actually lent her a CD, it came back a month after I asked her to return it and it was scratched all to hell. I'm so freaking tired of it. And no matter how many times she gets in trouble, she still does it. I wouldn't mind so much if she borrowed stuff she actually needed. Or she asked if she didn't actually needed it, just wanted it. But she doesn't. She just likes to play around with my stuff and after 6 years of it I'm about ready to explode.

-School. And school counselors. My doctor called them all idiots last night. Sure, they were trained, but how does that make them experts? They don't know everything. I'm sick of them telling me 'it's what's best for me'. And you know this how? Are you me? It's not like it's a virus where there are exact methods. Maybe they should understand that every person is different? Honestly. I'd like to find ONE of them that can say they have ANY sort of personal experience with what they are preaching. I bet you none of them do. None.

-Blood tests. Holy crap. Giving blood is nice and all, but I will NEVER do it. I had to get blood taken, and I'm not THAT much of a wimp, but God, that was a horrible experience. Horrible. Horrible. Ick.

-People who assume EVERYTHING is about them. Are you conceited, or just stupid? I swear. I don't know why some people automatically take everything as though it was meant for them.

-People who badmouth others on LJ. I don't care if it's your LJ. Why are you talking shit about someone? Immature. I-m-m-a-t-u-r-e. Bitch, rant, complain. But going 'oh, so and so is such a bitch, fuck you whore, blahblahblah' is entirely fifth grade. Grow up.

-Cutters. Well, attention-whore cutters. Okay. I know some people have problems. But if you weren't doing it for attention, you wouldn't whine and tell the whole world that you do it. When you do, everyone knows it's less about being depressed and in pain and a HELL of a lot more about wanting people to feel sorry for you, or to tell you to stop, or do something to make you feel better about yourself. It's exactly like those girls that sit there and say 'God, I am SO ugly' and wait for guys to disagree. I wish all guys would just be quiet when a girl says that. Just don't say anything. If they want to be like that, seriously, let them. It's pathetic. Utterly pathetic. Go ahead. Cut yourself if you want. But I'll tell you one thing. I know depression. Don't say you do just because you're upset some of the time. I hate self-diagnosed people who say they are depressed. Shut up, or get yourself some bloody help. By whining, you're looking for attention. Plain and simple. The symptoms of clinical depression even say that people avoid letting others know whats going on, they try to hide their feelings, masking them with happiness, etc etc. If you were depressed, they ONLY way anyone would know is by noticing it in you, not you whining about how you cut yourself and this and that.

-Bad drivers. Ugh. They scare me.

-When people spell things wrong on the internet on purpose. Short forms are one thing. But hello? Have you guys ever noticed that things like 'yooh' and 'baybeeh' are actually longer than the real word?

-Copycats. This is self explanatory. Get your own style, personality, way of speaking, taste in music, etc. So bloody fake. Fake.

-This one is the greatest. Those couples. The ones that 'almost' break up every single day. And then say 'I love you more than anything!' RIGHT after. If you loved them so much, one, you wouldn't threaten to break up with them over such trivial things. Don't say they aren't trivial, because there is NO way anyone could find something so significant to fight about every day that it would warrant breaking it off. And two, you would learn how to compromise, make sacrifices, talk rationally and calmly to avoid stupid fights and threatening to leave the other person. Fights once in a while are understandable. But in a REAL relationship, you always know that it's not the end. People like you give love a bad name.

I'm gonna stop now. If I've offended you, I'm probably sorry. But it's possible that was my intention also, depending on what offended you. Maybe you'll think twice about being so annoying. I also hate blonde hair and bitches, but what can I say about that? I can be a bitch too, but at least I'm not chronically one. And blonde hair is just icky. There's no explanation for that. =P
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