hah, i just realized i did it wrong. lol, no wonder. ok so here are the pics from philly's party=]
elijah, philly && william
half of kelsey, me, madison, francesca, philly && elijah
josh (philly's little brother)
my uncle steve && philly's little brother ryan.
william not really paying attension.. and to many people in the backround to name.
me(pink), madison(blue), frannie(brown) && kelsey(green)<33
us again && im holding ryan (philly's little brother)
me, ryan, kelsey, && frannie<33
we were watching the boys scim board, lol. ( the sun was in our eyes)
awww<33 bf4l!!!
omgosh theyre so short!! chris, kevin, elijah, philly, william.
us all on the front of philly's boat<3 (it looks so small)
philly && me. ahh i look scarry =/
again...im ugly && hes a cutie<33
AWWW PHILYY!!! i <3 this pic!