yes we do. and can you guess who it is? i'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. just check out applications. i'll give you a hint though. it's one of the people who post a lot. ~katy
we get 8 members then we die. people said they'd check the community out but no one has. i feel so unloved. anyone out there promoting for me? please do if you can. i've promoted in every community i'm in that i can. ~katy
Hey would anybody wanna join da_cult_of_fox ? It's just me and somebody else at the moment...we need more people...i like it alot but there's nobody there! So if anyone is a starfox fan...plz join =)
I feel awful. I dunno what music to listen to. It seems nothing is making me feel better right now. I just wanna leave this place. The words I feel: I hate this place, it's horrible here, I'll make you happy, I'll dissapear
i just went through and added all of you who have been accepted so far (and i think i added two who haven't just because they seemed so cool) so if you see me on your friends page it's because i liked your applications and wanted to add you. i hope no one minds. :D ~katy