xXxemolyricsxXx: i'm not your bud
xXxemolyricsxXx: and dont care about me
xXxemolyricsxXx: i dont care about you
zebra has sex: i know.
xXxemolyricsxXx: so fuck off bitch
zebra has sex: Just want you to know i was only looking out for you. and seems like everyone except you saw that lol
xXxemolyricsxXx: well, fact is, I can look out for msyelf
xXxemolyricsxXx: so suck me off cunt
zebra has sex: Aw.
xXxemolyricsxXx: anyway, go die or something, cause yeah i'm leaving soon
zebra has sex: So mean now. adorable.
xXxemolyricsxXx: i take back saying I didn't mean what is aid in the car, it'd pretty fucking true
zebra has sex: since i made you slit your own wrists and all.
zebra has sex: i phyiscally took that knife and did it.
zebra has sex: since that's what you said.
zebra has sex: but i hope you know that you've said so many mean things to me that..yeha doesn't really have an affect on me.
zebra has sex: I know there's just something worng with you. so doesn't really harm me anymore.
xXxemolyricsxXx: good
zebra has sex: So why try?
xXxemolyricsxXx: good logic
xXxemolyricsxXx: dont try
zebra has sex: k you're dumb.
xXxemolyricsxXx: youre a bitch and i hope you die, the end
zebra has sex: i said. don't try.
xXxemolyricsxXx: so bye
zebra has sex: as in don't try to say mean things.
zebra has sex: Becuase it's a waste of your text.
zebra has sex: beucase if you could read, i just doesn't affect me.
xXxemolyricsxXx: youre a waste of my fucking time
zebra has sex: k i JUST told you that.
xXxemolyricsxXx: BYE
zebra has sex: You got dumber.
xXxemolyricsxXx: you got skankier
zebra has sex: how?
zebra has sex: i dont make out with random girls at shows.
zebra has sex: At least i do it in cars.
zebra has sex: and feel some sort of guilt by it.
xXxemolyricsxXx: hey, well, she's better than you even if she is a bitch
zebra has sex: LMAO
zebra has sex: im gonna have to save that to show that to her friends.
zebra has sex: They'd get a good laugh out of that.
xXxemolyricsxXx: mmk
xXxemolyricsxXx: well, fact is, you're a bitch, and pretty much everyone I know thinks that too
zebra has sex: you're so blind hun.
zebra has sex: Since they know me and all.
xXxemolyricsxXx: even if that IS true, i don't give a fuck
xXxemolyricsxXx: my life is so much better than when i was with you
xXxemolyricsxXx: i really wish we had never met
zebra has sex: Me too
xXxemolyricsxXx: you wasted 3 fucking months of my life
zebra has sex: Likewise.
xXxemolyricsxXx: so whatever, i hate you, you hate me, never loved you, bye
zebra has sex: k i know that isn't true. You're just being angsty.
zebra has sex: And i don't hate you.
xXxemolyricsxXx: no, trust me it's true
zebra has sex: I just think you're dumb.
xXxemolyricsxXx: never loved you, always felt a little guilty about that
zebra has sex: Bryden you could tell just by looking at you you loved me.
zebra has sex: Or else you wouldnt have cried so much in my car.
xXxemolyricsxXx: sure ya could
xXxemolyricsxXx: acting babe
zebra has sex: took a bus to my house to confess your love for me.
zebra has sex: hahaha.
zebra has sex: Cut your wrist all for that?
xXxemolyricsxXx: yeah actually
xXxemolyricsxXx: lol
zebra has sex: i know that isn't true bryden.
zebra has sex: Or you wouldnt have cried to rae. to all your friends.
zebra has sex: You're just being ridiculous now.
xXxemolyricsxXx: mmk, beleive waht you want
zebra has sex: And its hilarious.
xXxemolyricsxXx: buuutt, never loved you nearly as much as I said
xXxemolyricsxXx: i cared, that was about it
zebra has sex: Bryden you loved me. it was obvious. you spent way too much time and effort on it.
zebra has sex: And cried to so many people about it.
xXxemolyricsxXx: lol ok hun
xXxemolyricsxXx: think what you want
xXxemolyricsxXx: but the thing is, I'm sooooooooooooooooooo much better than you
zebra has sex: even made a myspace with sappy songs about me.
xXxemolyricsxXx: i was always too good for you so whatever
zebra has sex: oh of course.
xXxemolyricsxXx: i'm too fucking hot for you, I'm too fucking cool for you, and yeah, you say i'm mean to people? ask around now, I'm a pretty ncie guy, because I don't have to up with your shit
zebra has sex: Before we we even knew eachother you were mean to everyone.
xXxemolyricsxXx: you're fucking nothing to me
xXxemolyricsxXx: so yeah, go fuck wills ugly ass lol, cause bitch youll never get anyone better than me again
zebra has sex: Ew i'd never fuck him.
xXxemolyricsxXx: I on the other hand
xXxemolyricsxXx: will get someone 10000x better than you
zebra has sex: Mhmm.
zebra has sex: Bryden people think you're a girl...
xXxemolyricsxXx: but they still wanna fuck me
xXxemolyricsxXx: so it's ok
zebra has sex: to most girls. that isnt that attractive. it's acting.
zebra has sex: Taylors a better actress than i ever was.
xXxemolyricsxXx: haha
xXxemolyricsxXx: this isn't about taylor babe
xXxemolyricsxXx: might be to you
xXxemolyricsxXx: but not to me
zebra has sex: Those other girls...they're like what 13?
xXxemolyricsxXx: uhmm, k, we're not talking about mysapce either
zebra has sex: They might think you're hot but...there's more to a relationship than lust believe it or not.
xXxemolyricsxXx: jenny, I'm fucking EVERYTHING alright? I can do wahetevr i want
zebra has sex: you turned into such a flaming diva lol
xXxemolyricsxXx: yeah i'm 17, if they are hot and cool, then i'l go from there
xXxemolyricsxXx: duh
zebra has sex: you let one show boost your ego so much.
xXxemolyricsxXx: no not the show dumbass
xXxemolyricsxXx: i realized all day that yeah....i'm fucking great
xXxemolyricsxXx: and I dont need peoples shit, like yours for example
zebra has sex: mh
zebra has sex: k well you done yet i need to show a few people this convo it's funny.
xXxemolyricsxXx: lol
xXxemolyricsxXx: fine bitch bye
zebra has sex: Tata.
that's brydens other sn by the way.