Before taking a hiatus, please consider the following:
If you plan to use your hiatus to pass an activity check, it must be posted here. Seeing as a post on the
a_facility_ooc can be warped via its timestamp and entry, we will no longer be checking the hiatus tag. This is to ensure that you are kept within the game.
How long will you be on hiatus? A hiatus lasting less than one and a half weeks will not pass you for activity for the month, especially if it is made at the last minute before an activity check with no prior activity. If you are going to be gone more than a month, consider dropping and reapplying later as one month is the maximun allowance for a hiatus. After that, you are declared inactive. For special circumstances, please PM the mod journal.
If you are caught posting or tagging, you are not on hiatus. This is considered a slowatus, as you are tagging and showing activity.
For any other questions, feel free to PM the mod journal after you have consulted the rules, faq, and activity check guidelines.
Player:Character(s) Hiatused:Hiatus dates:Reason: Thanks,
The Mods