Welcome to Day 12 of Abyss! This is where guest writers can have their characters post to the network. These posts will be handled the same way as any other post to the network, but we'll keep them grouped together for everyone's sanity.
All guest characters arrived in Abyss with a communicator that resembles a Blackberry. These have text
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... Hello? [a frown on the Exorcist's face] Lenalee, tell your brother to stop playing tricks.
Still, he's heard the voice before in the DR.] I-I don't think this is a trick.
Beansprout? What do you mean?
It's Allen. And I can't think of any place that would be this elaborate.
blinks] Not even Road's dream, Beansprout?[Teasingly]
...She can do something like this? [He's only met two, only one was "normal". He'd snarl but...] I'm taller than those "sprouts".
in my head. :x ]
Well you and Lenalee were the ones who--wait, what do you mean "sprouts"?
Another bit of confusion at Lenalee's name, pulling his hood back a little just so his face can be seen.] I'm not your Allen. [Figures that this place would do it, too.] I-it's a long story, and I don't even know this place's.
.... furrows his brows, and.. turns the 'berry right side up] I--what's going on? [he's noticing the lack of scar--and if he can see them, maybe a glimpse of those gold eyes]
Sob. That makes things clearer, he still doesn't know who he is, though. Probably can, but he looks too pale to be a Noah.] I'm not sure.
[Offers him a sheepish grin before glancing around again.] I just know I'm not where I was before.
w-well Alma's worried the 14th's taken Allen now, pale or not.] Is this some sort of joke? [a bit harsher in his voice, mind running to try to figure out this whole thing with tiny hims and golden-eyed, scarless Allens]
Would it help if he pulls the hood off all together? There aren't any stigmata on his forehead.]
Horrible joke to pull on so many people. [Gripping the collar around his neck. He's already been told not to pull on it. But it's there.]
... not sure what it means when there's no stigmata but it's very clearly Allen's face...]
Wha-- [he reaches up and his fingers run into the light blue collar there.] THE HELL?! [amusing how much he acts like a Kanda without knowing sometimes. If you don't stop him, he's going to try to rip it off.]
Allen's is blood red, he finds it odd to see another blue one. Maybe he should tell Ka--] DON'T! They've got it rigged!
[Sob. Not amusing to hiiiiiim. He heard the electricity buzzing when he tugged on his earlier.]
jumps! fjkdjsfk Allen yelling spooked him more than the slight shock he got before he let go.] Rigged...? [hands hovering over his neck] To do what? [not that worried.. his healing still works pretty well]
May or may not have caught sight of his teeth when he yelled, depends if Alma was paying more attention to the collar.]
I'm not sure, I just hear electricity charging whenever I try to pull mine apart.
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