((OOC: This boy needs a little help figuring out how to work a 'berry! Want to teach a technological failure? Accost him and show him how it's done!))
[Waking up in a strange white room with a boxy sort of thing that flashes images and voices at him now and then---that was a bit unsettling. The box hasn't responded when he talks at it, so he's done
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Lose something?
What's your cat look like, if you don't mind me changing the subject?
[The mention of Teekl has him glancing about; his expression is reined in, but one hand inches up his arm in nervous restraint.] And a worry it is that we have not found him.
It's possible he wandered farther than you thought. We should keep looking.
[A nod and he takes a glance around the hall.] Breathing helps loosen the muscles, word of advice.
[Alex's advice makes him tilt his head in interest, and the boy's chest rises in several slow, deep breaths.] Thank you. How do you know? ...thank you, that is a help.
And it's a bit of common knowledge and experience, really.
But Master Alex---thank you. [He rocks his body back to turn and face the man, the smile turning earnest.] Thank you for your concern, and your help. I am most grateful.
Alex is fine, it come off as odd with 'master' in front of it, least to me. [A pause and he stands there, as if waiting to see if the other can and will make it back through his room without much trouble.] And it's fine; if I do see your cat while walking, I'll let you know, Klarion.
Rest well.
Entirely unsuccessful, then, but Alex was a worthwhile find. He'll take that, for now.]
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