[The feed cuts open to a deafening exposion, which could also be heard by anyone standing anywhere in the area of the biodome, which has just gained an extra crater. Jayne is grinning manically, a massive and improbable weapon slung over his shoulder. It looks like some kind of bizarre bazooka, with a tasteful white beret perched over the
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[He gun' find you if you keep causing shit bruh.]
The criminal elements in this place think they can get away with anythin'! If I wasn't out here givin' em something to think about, they'd probably be up an about peekin' in rooms with 'noculars, gropin on all the young ladies, dressin' little boys up in tights and all kinda unsavory pastimes!
Wait. What? [No seriously what.] Wait, what's wrong with tights? [You're talking to an acrobat who spends a good portion of his life in tights and leotards and the such.]
Oh, ain't nothin' wrong with tights, fer... pers'nal use and such, if you're a dancer, or a bullfighter or somesuch, but some folks take to dressin' up young folks in skimpy clingy outfits, jus' to watch em. I was told specific by the general to keep an eye out for that sorta tomfoolery.
But I guess go on with what you're doing. Just don't hurt anyone.
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