I figured it was time for one. Stolen from Yoh again. \o/ (Edited on 06/15/2008)
frogdance: I go by Michi. My real name's Michelle. I r not creative.
I play:
- Pearl Fey (
a_medium_rare) from Phoenix Wright
- Hao (
haoyohdoin) from Shaman King
I used to play:
- Steve Barkin (
barkingmaddog) from Kim Possible
Current status: Sporadic commenter. Is there a term for that?
- IRC (As Pearl, Hao and Michi sometimes)
- Gchat (frogdance at gmail dot com)
- Email (frogdance at gmail dot com)
EMERGENCY Contact: Aerrow-mun has my cell number :|b Email is fine, since I receive it on my phone. My personal email which I use for srs bizness/school stuff is mich0588 at gmail. I don't check it as regularly, but you email that, I'll definitely see it.
Timezone: PST
Goals: Try to be IC, have fun. No real specific goals. Form relationships for my characters, poke castmates some more. ♥
Betaing: I offer to beta quite a bit because I like to read apps. I'm an okay-ish beta. I'm best reading apps for canons I know, but if I'm canon blind I can still tell you what I like and make suggestions. Favourite format to beta is gdoc, but I'm okay with anything |Db
AUs: I would be horrible at them |D
Contact Methods: I'm on IRC fairly often under my nicks, otherwise gchat frogdance at gmail dot com.
Scheduling Issues: I'm taking three classes during the summer. They're all in the morning-afternoon. I don't have class on fridays.
How I Play: I still prefer just commenting opposed to posting. I'm still not very used to posting, but I'm slowly getting better at it. A bad habit I have is that I might look at a comment I just get and due to circumstances like not being able to think or a reply yet, or being on another account, I might answer someone else's comment and replying a little later. I am also easily distracted.(Edited on 06/15/2008)
Crack vs. emo: I just go for the flow ~/o/
Jumping: YES PLEASE. I like to jump and be jumped. <3
Thread Dropping: I do this pretty often. 90% of the time it's because I've ran out of things to say (this happens much more with Hao) or I think it's ended at an okay point. If this happens I usually end up telling you in the chan. If it's right before I'm going to sleep, I usually try to get one more comment in and just give whoever I'm threading with the option to continue if they like.
I am also fine with picking up threads days later or just playing the same thread for multiple days.(Edited on 06/15/2008)
Comfort Levels: My permissions memes pretty much explain what I probably wouldn't want to happen to my characters. And I trust everyone they'd tell me before hand before anything big happens. I'd like it if we communicated during threads. I'd PM if the thread's heading in a direction I'm not quite comfortable with. Likewise, I'd want to know if my characters are making you uncomfortable. I'll drop/delete comments if necessary. I want things to be peachy :)b
Concrit: I'll try to post in the weekly concrit community. I also have a screened post you can comment in my screen crit post, or you can even email me directly. I would like to know if I'm doing it wrong |D