the Bull | Challenge Post

May 08, 2012 09:06

the Bull.
round ends: 11:59pm 21st May (UTC)

Quality - Negative: inwardly reflective, introvert.
Element - Earth: stability, practicality, fertility.
Mode - Fixed: the element in its most intense form - associated with stability and strength.
Body part - Genetalia. Direction - North
Traditional definitions - Bestial - the signs symbolised by four-footed animals. These can lack in social graces and sometimes indicate coarseness and a poor appreciation for 'niceties' and polite manners. They can also be a little inarticulate, caring more about making their point, than the elegance of the style in which it is made.

--- Please read our general rules
--- For this round you may also enter Tumblr Graphics for a value of 2.5 [500x500 & larger]
--- Remember entries must have minimum a value of 12 [icons are worth 1, wallpapers worth 4]
--- You do not have to directly use the inspiration provided but your entry must fulfill one of the below challenges:

o1 - your graphics must all use negative space
o2 - your graphics must all focus on characters that 'lack in social graces'
o3 - your graphics must all be influenced by Spring & Fertility

o4 - each of your graphics must focus on Spring & Fertility and Negative Space

Examples & Inspiration

for all non-icon images, right-click 'view image' for fullsize.

Negative Space:

flatlined | realproof | colourmayfade | xmaidelx | a_thari

blue_emotion | feel_the_fire | tilty | imaginary_lives | lumsx

Lacking Social Graces:

snorkjuice | snorkjuice | absolutelybatty | calikalie | colorbox

fancifull | takethewords | capelle | paintable | bussbuss


calikalie | justmyb0nes | likealight| takethewords | motorized

outres | theotherayn | prettybutt | _jems_ | letsey_x

Negative Space | Lacks Social Graces
gigglemonster | lemonpunch

calikalie | sweettasteofbitter

Negative Space | Lacks Social Graces
calikalie | marlascigarette

1,2,5&6: alex stoddard
3&4: oer-wout

satine_violet | songburst

shoqolad | satine_violet | rosebein

notes on this round:
due to the ~stars this round will be shorter than standard (as we are beginning late). if you are unable to complete your entry there will be a post once the round closes where you can share what you had completed. we are still very much ironing things out, so consider this round a bit of a dry run. feedback is very much welcome & a chance to give detailed feedback will be coming up after the Bull is done.

please, enjoy your self & ask any questions that spring to mind: as we've heard from countless teachers - there are no stupid questions :P

*the bull, ~challenge post

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