Returning home from the Leaf, Wilson had set straight to preparing a
wild mushroom lasagna to fulfill the angel's meal request. Never one to stop simply at a single dish, however, the young doctor added a green salad that included the cucumbers, peppers, and cheese that had been requested from his grocery shopping,
fresh fruit salad, and fresh
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"Hey, Jiji," she stooped and scooped up the cat, walking down the hallway. "Where is everyone?"
"I won't be just a few minutes, James love. Let me just nip down and say see how she is, and say our goodnights."
Wilson agreed, reminding the angel to tell her about the leftovers, and then Aziraphale pulled on a pair of jeans and a tshirt and headed down the stairs.
"Good evening, my dear," he said in a bright voice. "I hope you enjoyed your evening out."
She reached into the fridge for the thoughtfully already set-aside piece of tiramisu and took a bite, obviously relishing it. "This? Is fantastic. Thank you so much for making it!"
Pulling out a chair, Aziraphale took a seat and tilted his head at Kiki. "Do you care to talk about why you were worried it mightn't go well?"
He didn't want to pry, but on the other hand, Susan was a very mannerly young woman, and the angel was concerned over why she and Kiki might have troubles between them.
Looking up at Aziraphale's face, Kiki clarified. "The body switching."
Aziraphale looked both surprised and troubled. "Did Susan threaten to sue you? Or has someone else been giving you trouble over what happened? Kiki, it was an accident, and you were just as affected by it as everyone else. You can't be expected to make up for everyone else's difficulies, any more than if you'd... had a cold that had got passed on to someone else. What happened was beyond your control, a result of something affecting what you were doing, and not a result of anything you did yourself. You are not at fault, Kiki."
Trying to walk a fine line between defending his young friend and letting her make her own decisions, the angel stood and walked across the kitchen, talking as he went. "If you feel that it's right for you to agree to Susan's demands, and make reparations to her, then of course I won't try to stop you. But I can assure you that if she does try legal action, it won't go very far. Not even in this town. But I hardly think you owe the same to every single person who was affected. If people feel they've been inconvenienced monetarily, then I'll be happy to make recompense. But I can't see where putting you at someone's beck and call for a few days can do anything except assuage a ( ... )
Kiki tucked one foot up under her on the chair, and reflected. "I was a little puzzled over Susan's request, though. I'd thought she'd want me to work for her, but instead she just seemed to want information. Information on, well, the non-normality of Fandom and Tropolis."
Because although he didn't have the same deep dislike for Crane that Wilson harbored, he most definitely did not trust the young man.
Taking a moment to think about what Kiki told him regarding Susan's request, Aziraphale replied, "I think...that Susan is having some difficulty reconciling her worldview with the place she's found herself in now. Perhaps she's trying to gather information that will help her do that, and sees you -- as representative of things she may have been telling herself weren't real -- as a good source of information. Does she seem to be all right?"
She rinsed the plate and put it in the dishwasher. "Although, if all she really wanted was a primer course in the oddities of life and the people here, all she had to do was ask and I would have been happy to help her out. She didn't need to resort to... well... blackmail, although that's a pretty strong and ugly word for it."
He sighed, and smiled ruefully. "But she's no more reason to trust me than anyone else, I suppose. Perhaps someday, when she's more comfortable with her surroundings. I do hope the information you've been able to give her will help with that. And she did...make a rather unusual request, which I hope to be able to fulfill soon. She wanted me to take her to the zoo, to see the lions."
He wasn't certain why yet, but Aziraphale suspected that animals, and especially lions, were somehow bound up in the source of Susan's troubles. Lions, and faith.
Or that she misses, and wants to return to.
He determined to keep a close eye on her actions at the zoo, and anytime he happened to see Susan beforehand.
[ooc: Off to watch House! Back in an hour. :)]
Turning, he laid a hand on Kiki's arm and smiled reassuringly. "But I don't want it to become something you worry about, my dear. If you're comfortable helping Susan the way you've been...well, maybe you'll be doing more than repaying a debt she believes you owe. Perhaps you'll actually be helping her to adjust to life here, more easily than she'd be able to on her own."
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