Sign-Ups 2011

Sep 26, 2011 12:51


Welcome to the 2011 sign up for The A-Team slash secret santa exchange. Sign ups are now open, and will be until October 30. Make sure you read the rules and info carefully before you sign up!

Rules and Information

Sign Up and Gift Guidelines
- Stories must be a minimum of 1,000 words, spell checked and beta read.
- Assignments must remain anonymous until the Big Reveal! Finished gifts will be posted on a_tsecretsanta by the mod
- Extensions will not be granted automatically. If you know you're bad with deadlines, maybe this isn't the exchange for you.
- Anyone who drops out without warning in this year's exchange is not allowed to participate in the next one.

- REPLY TO THE ASSIGNMENT EMAIL AS SOON AS YOU GET IT. If you don't reply within a week, the mod will assume you've dropped out and act accordingly.
- Assignments will be sent out by November 3rd.
- There will be a mandatory check in on the week November 20-26. This is to ensure everyone is on track with writing their gifts. If you won't have internet access during this time, let me know when you sign up.
- The deadline for gifts to be sent in is Thursday December 22nd.

Submission Guidelines
- Finished gifts should be emailed as an attachment (.doc, .docx or .txt) to
- Fics must include all HTML coding when sent in, as they will be posted as received.
- If you fix any mistakes or make any changes to your fic after it's sent in, re-send the whole thing with a note that the other should be discarded.

The sign-up form:

LJ Name:
Real Name/Nickname:

For the gift you will RECEIVE
Highest possible rating you want:
Kinks/Special requests/Things you enjoy:
Squicks/Things you would hate:
Two or three prompts (optional):

For the gift you will GIVE
Pairings you can do:
Strengths/Things you will gladly write:
Squicks/Things you refuse to write:
Highest possible rating you will do:
Would you be willing to pinch hit?

Under "kinks" and/or "squicks" for both your gift and the one you will write, please specify if you'd prefer to receive and write for the movie or the television series, or could do either. AUs and RPS are welcome, too, such as high-school and college fics, ect, so list that as well.

If you have any issues during this exchange, think you might need an extension or even need to drop out, please let the mod know as soon as possible so it can be sorted out quickly! For any comments, questions or concerns, send a PM to stackcats

mod post, sign ups

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