okay... update?
i went to Media Play last night.
Cody came with us.
i got a new cd-- oHgr.
it's really good.
it's Ogre from Skinny Puppy's band.
i like Skinny Puppy better,
but oHgr's still really good.
and in Media Play i saw a flyer for the nin listening party thing.
the one i can't go to.
i wanted to steal the flyer.
after we dropped Cody off and we were on the way home,
i had this weird dream-hallucination thingy while i sitting there.
april 5th or something is mom and dad's 19th anniversery.
so i saw Mom and Dad sitting at their anniversery dinner,
and Dad said something that made Mom mad.
so, she reached over the table and stabbed him with a knife.
over and over, a bunch of times.
then fast forward a little bit...
Mom's at home, and has Nanner and I backed into a wall and says:
"i don't want you guys to have terrible lives because of what i've done.
i'm sorry"
so she stabs us too.
and then she goes and stabs her self.
it happened before my eyes like really fast.
just a passing thought, only really intense.
when it was gone i was teary eyed and almost freaked out.
i hate when shit like that happens.
it's so scary.
i don't even know what triggered it.
my mom would never do anything like that.
or even get that angry.
i don't know.
it made me think of that night years back
when i woke up in the middle of the night
my bed was against the wall,
and when i looked at the wall--
it wasn't there anymore but was replaced with buildings that were exploding.
and the explosions were creeping closer and closer to me.
so i stood up. i wanted to tell my parents that bombs were going off and i had to save them.
there was so much pressure on my head and i could hear this terrible sound
that wasn't an actual audible thing,
just this pounding intensity.
it was hard to walk and i swayed back and forth in the hallway.
i couldn't make it down the stairs.
so i went back and laid down.
eventually it all went away.
to this day-- i can't explain that.
and i hope it was just a bad dream.
but i remember sitting on my bed thinking
"if this was a dream, i'd have a way to make it go away.
and i can't make this stop"
and today so far has been alright.
i really need to do some work in here.
ohhh well.
i'm feeling sickish.
like sicker than when i felt better yesterday,
but not as sick as i was tuesday.
mostly a sore throat now.
oh, and i got a questionable set list of the NIN show:
-Love Is Not Enough (new)
-You Know Who You Are (new)
-March of the Pigs (All The Pigs, All Lines Up)
-The Line Begins To Blur (new)
-Terrible Lie
-The Collector (new)
-Gave Up
-With Teeth (new)
-(New Short Song)
-Even Deeper
-The Hand That Feeds (new)
-Starfuckers, Inc.
-Head Like A Hole
sooo, we can expect a good show guys.
those are all good songs (duh)
plus there's lot's of new ones i haven't heard.
and i'm sure those will also be awesome.
(also duh)
here's some stuff about the Fresno show,
the first on their tour: