Oct 11, 2011 18:02
Enzo ushers Guppy into an upstairs room containing a massive bank of hardware, including lasers, monitors, and Big Red Buttons.
"Here it is. The digitizer." Beat. "And matterizer. And some other things. Maybe it needs a better name."
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As Enzo does his stuff, he finds himself in a room with nothing but a big red button. Looks like that's the one he has to press...
He's feeling a little... blobbier than usual.
"Your love is like bad medicine
Bad medicine is what I need (who-o-oa)
Shake it up just like bad medicine
There ain't no doctor that can cure my disease"
Value, the bassist, steps forward as they continue to vamp. "Ladieeeees and gentlemen," she announces, milking it for all it's worth. "Preeeeesenting, for your entertainment and education, downloaded all the way from Userspace, the one, the only, Doctor Gurpreet Sandhuuuuuuu!"
Coloured sparks fountain up from the corners of the stage as a giant window pops up as a backdrop, showing a photo of Guppy in his natural form. There's enough space below it for a binome to walk underneath.
"Hello..." Shit, is it 'cyberspace'? The web?
Enzo takes his turn at the mike. Speaking far more normally, he says, "Guppy is a diagnostic program-except that he's not really a program, of course-so any questions you've got about User bodies, he's the guy to ask. First, though, Guppy, you wanna tell them a little about yourself?"
With that, the music and the majority of the stage effects wind down.
"I'm thirty one years old. I have a wife and two kids at home, in Holby. I work with old people who have been ill, helping them to be able to care for themselves more again."
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