[FANFIC--ShiroAi] Say The Word

Jan 05, 2008 22:38

Title: Say the Word
Author: a1y-puff
Fandom: The Musical Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Shirota x Aiba
Genre: General romance… or fluff?
Rating: PG?
Disclaimer: I don’t own these boys, really… They belong to themselves and have their own lives. Everything written on this fic has nothing to do with their real lives, and it’s all only a product of MY imagination ^^;
Note: This is kind of the sequel of my previous fic "What Love Is". Please read it first if you haven’t.
I kinda felt bad for Shirota for making his love kinda hanging before, so I wrote a sequel XD
Please forgive me for any grammatical errors or any other mistake I may make in this fic >.<
The timeline is probably around RikkaiMyu


Aiba Hiroki was just finished taking shower after his detention session when he heard his cellphone rang. He hurriedly went to rummage his backpack and answered the phone call, because if he took too long time to answer it, the caller would surely whine.

“Aiba-chaaan!” came the too-familiar voice from the other line. Aiba sighed. So it’s really him, after all. Somehow, he just knew that the one who called him was Shirota.

“Yeah, what’s up? You want me to go to your apartment?” Aiba guessed. Well, it’s quite a habit of Shirota suddenly calling him and asked him to drop by.

“Well, yeah… but no, actually I’m in front of the building right now,” Shirota replied. Somehow, Aiba could see Shirota grinned from the other line.

“Whaaat? You should’ve told me before you drop by. What if I don’t have the time? You know I’m pretty busy here, and…”

“But you do have time now, ne?” Shirota cut Aiba’s words with a hopeful tone. Then, he added, “Even if you don’t, it would be enough for me just to see your face for a few minutes.”

Aiba slightly blushed. “Ba-baka… Can’t you stop saying such embarrassing things for once?” Aiba scolded Shirota despite the shy smile he had on his face now. Shirota wouldn’t know anyway.

“How could I stop saying those things when they make you smile?” came Shirota’s reply.

Oh, so he knew, Aiba said inwardly, slightly annoyed yet a bit happy that Shirota could see through him. “Okay, whatever. Just wait for me, I’ll be there soon,” Aiba said before he hung up. He then slipped his cellphone back into his jeans pocket.

Just when Aiba was about to slung his backpack, someone called him. “Hey, Aibacchi, wanna grab something to eat before going home?” Irei asked as he approached the younger man.

“Ah, Kana-kun. I’m sorry, but I have something to do tonight,” Aiba replied apologetically.

“Eh? But I thought you said you were free after this?”

“Well, yeah… it’s just… something just come up suddenly. I’m sorry, maybe next time?” Aiba offered as he saw a slight disappointment in his co-actor eyes.

“Okay then, I guess I’ll just drag Airu to accompany me,” Irei smiled.

After a little more chit-chat of courtesy, Aiba bid Irei goodbye and hurriedly went down the stairs. And when he finally reached the lobby, he found Shirota sat down with arms crossed in front of his chest. The second he sensed Aiba’s presence, though, the older man stood up and smiled as he approached Aiba.

“What is that?” Aiba asked while pointing to a shopping bag Shirota was holding.

“Oh, this?” Shirota raised his right hand which was holding the bag. “I’m re-stocking my chocolates supply,” he answered with a smile. And his smile became wider as he saw Aiba’s eyes shone. “You want some?”

Without a word, Aiba gleefully skipped towards Shirota and started rummaging into the shopping bag Shirota was holding. Just when Shirota was about to pull the younger boy into a light kiss, Aiba heard footsteps heading towards them and immediately stepped away from Shirota, leaving the older boy into a slight disappointment.

“Oh, Aibacchi, you’re still here? I saw you running down the stairs so I thought you were in a hurry?” Minami asked too innocently as he approached Aiba, and seemed a bit surprised to see Shirota there, but he then nodded politely to the previous buchou.

Shirota nodded in greeting to Minami and Doori who was with him, and kept his knowing smile for himself upon hearing Aiba was rushing to see him, despite Aiba’s knowing glare.

“Well yeah, it’s just that Shirota-san said he had something to discuss with me,” Aiba tried to avoid any wrong assumption of their relationship (which was actually right).

Doori was wondering if whatever Shirota wanted to discuss with Aiba was that urgent that he took the effort of picking the younger boy up after detention. And as he whispered his curiosity to Minami, the buchou only gave him a knowing smile, telling him not to ask more. Actually, Doori never knew what Minami’s knowing-smile was for, but he decided to keep silent… for now.

Just when Aiba was about to excuse himself and Shirota, another voice was calling his name.

“Oh, Aibacchi, you’re still here?” Aiba frowned inwardly upon hearing the same question Minami had thrown earlier, but this time came from another familiar voice. Irei’s voice.

“Well, I was just about to leave,” Aiba tried to smile.

Irei looked at Aiba’s companion and rather surprised in displease to see Shirota. “With… Shirota-san…?” Irei asked. When Aiba nodded (a bit hesitantly, though), Irei beginning to understand, that Shirota was the thing-that-suddenly-came-up Aiba was talking about. He had heard rumors that Aiba had things going on with the previous cast leader. And seeing Shirota there was as if he was confirming the rumors.

“How you’ve been, Irei-kun? It’s been a while since we met, yes?” Shirota greeted Irei with a smile and decided to keep his frown and pout inwardly, for Aiba’s sake.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m getting used to the myu now, thanks to Aibacchi’s guidance” Irei replied and responding Shirota’s smile with his. However, when their eyes met, each of them knew the smiles weren’t really sincere.

“Yeah, and thanks to Aiba’s influence too that Kana-kun is now always hungry and would drag me everywhere to eat,” IRE butted in. Well, the truth is, Irei always drag IRE because he was most of the times failed to ask Aiba out.

“Oh, shut up, Airu,” Irei laughed to hid his annoyance.

After a little scene of everyone laughing at IRE’s comment, Aiba decided that he should tug Shirota away soon, so he excused himself from his co-actors and drag Shirota with him.


“That Irei guy, does he still make his move on you?” Shirota asked, almost whining as he watched the younger boy placed his chocolates stock neatly on the fridge.

“I don’t know, he’s just asking me out to eat,” Aiba replied nonchalantly as he was almost bored with the whiney tone.

“Then he still does,” Shirota pouted.

Aiba walked to the dining table and sat across Shirota and gave the older man a piece of chocolate bar he was eating. “Even if he did, I never really hang out with him more than needed,” Aiba tried to silence his whiney boyfriend.

“Eh? More than needed? Then you DID hang out with him? Aiba-chan, you’re not cheating on me, are you?” Shirota wailed.

Aiba rolled his eyes. His head was wondering why this guy never stop whining. And to restrain his annoyance from taking action like picking his hair iron from his backpack and throw it right on Shirota’s face, Aiba decided to just munch his remaining chocolate bar in one big chomp.

“Listen here,” Aiba said I the middle of his munching, “I am the leader of this cast, remember? I NEED to be friendly with EVERYONE in the cast. Be it Seigaku. Rokkaku. Rikkai. EVERYONE. Okay?”

“Well yeah, but…”

“And,” Aiba raised a hand, telling Shirota not to cut his words, “When you were the leader, weren’t you being oh-so-friendly with everyone too? I’m only trying to do what you did when you were a leader. Being friendly and accommodating and comforting whatsoever to everyone, okay?”

Aiba was eyeing Shirota as his lips slowly formed a grin, made Aiba glared at him. “So that’s how you were thinking of me back then? Friendly, accommodating and comforting? I’m flattered, Aiba-chan,” Shirota said laughingly and earned Aiba’s furious glare in return.

“That’s not the point here! And for your info, my opinion of you had change since God-knows-when!” Aiba furiously said, and palmed his face as he saw Shirota was just grinning at him. “Well, whatever. I don’t want to hear any complains about me being friendly, okay?”

“Okay,” Shirota gleefully said as he wiped off the chocolate crumbs near Aiba’s lips with his finger.

“I want milk,” Aiba suddenly said. Shirota then stood up, but before he could even make a step towards the fridge, Aiba’s hand was already in front of him, holding the chocolate’s wrapping. “And throw this to the trash can, ne,” Aiba asked in a rather commanding tone.

Shirota just smiled a bit and took the chocolate’s wrapping from Aiba and dumped it in the trash can near the fridge. Then, he took out the huge bottle of full-cream milk that he rarely drank from the fridge, and poured the milk to the big mug Aiba usually used when drinking milk.

“Here,” Shirota said as he put the mug in front of Aiba before sat back to his seat across Aiba. He smiled as he watched Aiba sipped a little bit of his milk with a content expression. He was happily smiling, until suddenly he remembered something. “But, Aiba-chaaan, you called him Kana-kun, isn’t it a bit too… intimate?”

Aiba suddenly lost his interest in sipping his milk and put the mug down the table, then, he heaved a sigh. “Everyone’s calling him that, okay? Don’t you also call Kazuki-san with ‘Kazuki’? That’s much more intimate to call a given name without suffix, you know?”

“Well, that’s different…” Shirota scratched his head, and decided to bend the topic. “Anyway, you were addressing me as Shirota-san in front of them, isn’t it sounded like we’re not close enough?” Shirota whined again.

“That’s exactly my intention, you idiot! I don’t want them to get the wrong idea about or relationship, okay?” Aiba grabbed his mug and started to sip his milk again. This time, he hoped, in peace.

Shirota pouted. What wrong idea? They’re sooo right if they ever thought of Aiba and him going out. And it’s not like nobody knew about them anyway.

Shirota told Araki, Yanagi and Katou the day Aiba had agreed to go out with him, and he was sure that Araki must’ve told at least Adachi and Zukki. And then Adachi and Zukki probably slipped the info to Kaji, who was probably told Kujirai and Kotani. As for Katou, he probably told Takuya and Saitou, and Saitou would most likely shared the info with Ruito, while Takuya might’ve considered telling KenKen and Kouji, who would probably told Kawai and Washimi.

Let’s not forget Yanagi who would never hide anything from Endou, which was actually had no interest in gossiping. But Yanagi never took the effort of waiting for him and Endou to be alone when talking about anything involving TeniMyu and its actors, so probably some of the D-BOYS were around when Yanagi shared the info. And considering the D-BOYS gossiping skill, Shirota would be surprised if any of them had missed the issue.

Then, Shirota remembered that a few months ago, not long after his visit with Araki to the RokkaMyu, Seto came to him to apologize that he had accidentally slip his tongue in Seigaku’s dressing room, causing some of the actors who was in there knew about their leader dating the previous leader. Seto was lucky though, Aiba wasn’t there. And that would explain Minami’s knowing smile earlier.

“What are you being so quiet about?” Aiba suddenly asked Shirota as he saw his boyfriend being so oddly quiet while he was expecting Shirota would start to whine again in five seconds.

Thanks to Aiba, Shirota had been pulled out of his contemplation of how their relationship seemed to be no longer in secret. “Nothing... I just didn’t really like the idea of you addressing me so formally earlier,” Shirota smiled. Shirota decided not to let Aiba knew that everyone seemed to know about their relationship.

Aiba was quiet for about three second, before raised his mug again, and muttering something about Shirota really like to make a big fuss over trivial things, before sipping his milk again.

“It’s not that I like to fuss about little things,” Shirota said.

“Well, then why do you whine a lot? It’s not like I’m cheating on you here,” Aiba replied without diverting his attention from his mug.

“That’s because I don’t want to lose you, coz I love you, you know,” Shirota replied calmly, without expecting that Aiba would choke on his milk and coughed like mad. “What are you doing, Aiba-chan? I’ve always told you to drink slowly,” Shirota asked as he approached the younger boy and rubbing his back.

“That was YOUR fault, you idiot! Saying something like that all of a sudden,” Aiba turned his head upward to glare at Shirota.

Shirota fell silent for a while, then he asked, “You mean, because I said ‘I love you’?”

Aiba did not answer, but his blushing face, and the sparks in his eyes had talked more than needed.

Shirota chuckled as he received a light slap on his arm. “What are you so surprised about? You should know that I love you, don’t you?” Shirota asked laughingly while pulling the chair next to Aiba and sat there.

“Well, of course I do. With your attitude, who wouldn’t? It’s just…” Aiba paused for a moment, just to look away from Shirota and decided to stare at his mug instead. “Never once did you say anything like that before…”

Shirota kept silent as he thought Aiba had not finished with his words. So he decided to smile at the younger boy while waiting.

“And,” Aiba finally continued, “I didn’t expect you to say that out of the blue, in a very casual tone,” Aiba turned his head to see Shirota as he finished his words.

Shirota smiled as he stroked Aiba’s hair. And since they were alone, Aiba did not resist. “I’m sorry I never told you I love you before, but that was because…” Shirota paused as he tried to march up his words into a good sentence.

“Are you going to be speechless again? Just like the time you confessed,” Aiba asked a he saw Shirota lost his words… again. It’s always like that. Just when Shirota was about to be serious, he lost his words. Well, that only happened when he was with Aiba, though. And Aiba seemed to know that.

“Sorry, I just can’t put it into words,” Shirota smiled apologetically. “Well, you see, it’s just… I didn’t want to say ‘love’ while I had no idea what love was. I only knew that ‘love’ was different from ‘like’ or a mere ‘crush’.”

“So now you know what love is?” Aiba asked.

“I… think I do,” Shirota answered. “You see, my mom once said that no one could define love, but by the time I feel it, I’d know. And since I couldn’t find any words that could describe my feeling toward you, I think… that was love… And now, being with you all these time, I’m sure that it’s love,” Shirota smiled as he finished his words.

Aiba was silent for a moment, before his lips formed the boyish smile which Shirota always found it adorable, and said, “Really, Shirotan… sometimes you just thinking too much, for your own good.”

“I did?” Shirota asked.

“Yeah. But I wonder, if you’re such a thoughtful person, why is that most of your acts seems like they were thoughtless?” Aiba asked jokingly. Shirota faked a pout.

“Ah, that’s remind me,” Shirota suddenly said. “Aiba-chan, you too, never said that you love me, or even like me. You just said ‘okay’ when I confessed…” Shirota paused.

“Well, that’s because you never told me that too,” Aiba replied rather nonchalantly.

“Eh? Then, your feeling… about me…”

“Don’t put me on the same boat as you. I’m not that slow as to not realizing what I’m feeling, idiot,” Aiba said calmly with his boyish grin displayed on his face.

Shirota was silent, hoping to hear the continuation of his boyfriend words. Maybe, this time, he would hear what he always wanted to hear.

“Unlike you,” Aiba continued, “the moment I agreed to go out with you, I knew I was… well… in love with you,” Aiba slightly blushed. “Even before you confessed…” he continued as he looked away and suddenly had the urge to drink the rest of his milk.

Shirota felt like he lost control of his facial muscle as he felt a grin formed on his face, and it grew bigger and bigger at the sight of Aiba’s blushing face. Even when Aiba stood up and walked to the sofa as he suddenly interested in a stupid TV program, Shirota still stayed at his seat, grinning like mad.

Suddenly, he remembered something he had always wanted to ask. “Nee, Aiba-chan, would you think of me as a pervert if I do more than a kiss to you?”

Aiba was almost spurting his milk out and glared at Shirota, when he caught a dorky yet serious look at the older man’s face. He softened his glare to Shirota and answered, a little bit unsurely, “well, maybe… no…”

Aiba saw when Shirota was about to express his gleefulness when Aiba sharply cut him off before he could say anything, he said, “but would you at least take a bath first?”. Aiba could feel his face blushed as he said that, but he could care less about that now.

“Okay,” Shirota gleefully replied.

Shirota skipped towards the bathroom as he started to visualize what he would do to Aiba after taking shower. A nice, long, passionate kiss would be nice, so he might as well brushed his teeth. If he was lucky, maybe he could get a LOT more than a kiss. Just who knows?

After a long, nice shower, though, what he found in his living room was Aiba’s sleeping form on the sofa.

Ah, it happened again, Shirota whined inwardly. With Aiba sleeping soundly like that, the best he could get was a light kiss, since he didn’t have the heart to wake the younger boy up. He must be tired.

Shirota silently approached the younger boy and bent down to press a kiss on Aiba’s lips.

Even if he didn’t get what he hoped before, Shirota did not mind at all.

In fact, he was content since he already got something more precious than a mere Frenchkiss--or other things that might follow it.

After all, he got to hear Aiba let out the word “love” to him.

As for Aiba, he was awoken when Shirota kissed him, but he didn’t open his eyes, as he felt the warmth and comfort of Shirota’s big yet gentle hand caressed his head.

For now, he just wanted to feel Shirota’s affection in every stroke on his hair.

For now, he was content just to be like this.

At least, he had heard Shirota said that word he had longed to hear.

Love, that is.


Whew, it’s kinda long ^^; seems like I got carried away, LoL
I changed the ending in the last minute, LoL XD
Please leave your comments if you read, just to let me know that anyone actually read this…>.< thx!

shirota yuu, fanfiction, aiba hiroki, shiroai, tenimyu

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