Relieving Stress, Ranting About Classmates, Fangirling, ETC

Mar 23, 2009 18:31

Posting to LJ already relieves me of stress, so scratch that off the list.

And now, I rant about my classmates >_>. To be precise, only one of 'em.

I have a classmate who used to like me as more than a friend (and I'm saying "used to" because I believe he doesn't see me that way anymore and good riddance for that >_O, and no, this isn't the same guy I talked about in one of my previous posts).

He used to be a kind, gentleman, logical and considerate guy. But that was sooo last semester.

This proves the theory made up by whoever that people really do change.

As of late, he has become an obnoxious, conceited and annoying prat. Now, usually I wouldn't mind seeing someone being obnoxious and conceited... as long as said person had a right to do so. But that wasn't the case for him.

In example, we recently had an exam on carbohydrates in Organic Chem. To be honest, I did not study at all for said exam (I fell asleep as soon as I got home from school the day before... O_o), so I had a bloody hard time with it, and same goes for the smartest person in our class.

Once we were done with said exam however, he goes all "Oh wow, that exam was easy, huh?" The rest of us, including the smartest person in class, went O___o.

Then comes the arrival of our exam results. I passed, but the score wasn't something of my liking.

And lol his score. To sum it up, he failed the exam.

And earlier was our final exam (part 1) for Organic Chem. He was doing his obnoxious act again by asking us some review questions, and would laugh at us if we got it wrong or if we didn't know the answer. His so-called "questions" however, are what my Professor would consider "lacking and incomplete, and therefore, wrong".

I don't know how I did in the finals yet, but I'm pretty confident I passed. As for him, who the hell knows.

In a slightly somewhat related note, we recently had our BS Biology Day at school, wherein Biology students such as myself celebrate a day together with food and events. Our main event for that day was a Hermaphrodite Beauty Contest (if you're a guy, you enter as a girl, and vice versa). Said guy entered, said guy won.

Am I proud? Of course not. I was somewhat disgusted at the whole idea of a "hermaphrodite" beauty contest in the first place. Especially the act he put up for everyone. It horrified me.

And looky here, videos of the event!

Hold it. You may find me evil for posting the videos here (er, look at my icon), but I assure you, NONE of my classmates know who I am in the internet. And none of them know that I have a LiveJournal (I'd bet my copy of ToDDC that only half of my classmates even know what LiveJournal is >__>). So no harm done... I think?

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He's the guy at the left. The one with freakishly big fake boobs.

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There he is again, at the left.

BTW that's my alternate account for posting videos concerning my real life. Yeah. >__>.

... In fangirling, uh.. yeah, still at Pandora Hearts xD. I can't WAIT for this summer xDDD!!

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