
Feb 27, 2010 00:28

About Me:
Name: To those who know me most by it...Reila~
Age: Gonna be 20 in June.
Height: About...170 cm/5'7".
Birthday: June 4th.
Location: YER PANTS, lmao. Nah, I'm in Arizona, USA.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, photography, graphics, fanvideos, listening to music, video games, sleeping.

Color(s): Black, white, pink.
Food(s): Um... *Ponderponder.* I'd have to say nachos. |D
Drink(s): Root beer or water. oo; I'm weird, I know. OH! OH! CARAMAL FRAPP FROM STARBUCKS. *Flutters away in blissful thoughts.*
Book(s): OH, UM...Well, I really love Cirque du Freak.
Movie(s): Anything scary, or interesting. UNF.

Likes: Um...Video games, music, Jrock, J-fashion, photography, concerts! Hikikomori.
Dislikes: A lot of people...rude, ignorant, egotistical people! Um, hospitals, doctors, pills, being controlled, being judged, people with no sense of humor, and my biggest pet peeve are people who pull the "woe-is-me" card when they cause Hell for other people. >:/

About alice nine.:
alice nine. is for you: what soap is to water. 8D It cleanses the soul. *Shot.* Not really, but it's very relaxing.
Favorite member: Tora, and Nao~
Reason: Tora's so badass. *Snort.* Well, he's a lovable dork in his own way, and COME ON. It's NAO; how can you not love him?
Favorite song: ERM. UM. UH...Well, Waterfall is one~ SLEEPWALKER, and yami ni chiru sakura.
Favorite PV: Shunkashuutou~

Pictures (optional):

!stamped: shou

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