:: name ::Steve
:: location ::Poughkeepsie NY
:: age ::14
:: top 10 bands ::UnderOATH,Senses Fail,Further Seems Forever,Brand New,Dead Poetic,My Chemical Romance,Bowling For Soup,MatchBook Romance,Taking Back Sunday,A Second Chance
:: top 5 most hated bands ::Simple Plan,Good Charlotte,Staind,Cold,Pearl Jam.
:: top 5 movies ::Euro-trip,The Exorsist,Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Jason VS Freddy,Lepprechaun.
:: top 5 books ::The Giver,LOTR Series(does the series count,theres like 4 books in the series and i read all of them)
:: something interesting about you ::I'm a pretty nice guy,I'm easy to get along with.I'm here for anyone if they need to talk about anything,and i'm a good listener.
:: finish this sentence 'I wish I had a _______' ::I wish i had a second chance cd.
Your thoughts
::Thoughts on Abortion::I'm sure you've been hearing this thought by alot of people but,i can understand a girl getting an abortion if she was raped.Not if her and her partner forgot to use protection and she got pregnant.Thats like taking someones life away before they even get to live it and your taking it away because of your mistakes.I also dont get when a girl tells her significant other that she's pregnant and he beats her and forces an abortion on her.
::Gay Marriages::I'm so not against me it doesnt matter who you love,as long as your happy with the person you love.Being homosexual isnt a bad thing and some people think its a crime and it pisses me off.Its just like saying your not aloud to love someone because you dont want them to love that someone.
::labels::I hate labels.people label me in so many different ways.Some 10th grader yesturday labeled me gothic because i was wearing a black shirt that said senses fail on it.Its stupid to label someone just because of what they wear and what they listen to.To me it doesnt matter.You are who you are.
::Thoughts on the whole "emo" thing::I enjoy emo.and it isnt a thing.The reason why i like emo is because not many people under stand it.I also enjoy the music.The sound and lyrics and the style is so awesome.
::thoughts on the whole "punk" thing::Again.You are who you are and its your decision what you do with yourself....
::Racism, Sexism, homophobia::I hate all three words.and i've I'm going to say this 1 more time.YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE damn it.People who think that they're kind of people are more superior piss me off.thats one main reason why there isnt world peace.if every body get along this world would be so much better.
::Current Issues in the World::Well the whole war against terrorism thing i can understand why there is a war.its against terrorism(obviously) and if we win this war then hopefully terrorism will end.Making this world one step closer to being..alright.
::song that best describes you (or describes you well)::I have no clue.If you guys accept me then you guys will be able to get to know me better and think of songs that describe me well yourselfs.
:: at least one picture of yourself :: not the prettiest site in the world but here:
:: one community where you promoted a_bad_emo_song (will be checked)::_emo_is_sex_ its my community.i'm the head mod so yeah. feel free to apply.