via the hands of SAWAH!!!!

Jan 26, 2006 02:50

This is centered.

this is on the right

I'm on the phone with Sarah (: She's typing this.. that's why it's called "via the hands of SAWAH ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

_0nlyashes_ January 26 2006, 03:21:39 UTC
i love you jimmey <3 forever.
oh hey remember 'hot chocolate' and Lord of the Rings (;


dancesnaked247 January 27 2006, 08:45:02 UTC
wow that makes me sick (:


dancesnaked247 March 4 2006, 06:06:19 UTC
your face makes me sick


dancesnaked247 March 4 2006, 06:06:58 UTC
(: (; D: R: Q:


'hot Chocolate and banana bread' halos_n_horns February 8 2006, 02:16:50 UTC
You got the Truly, madly, deeply bit, I must admitt I've used that line. Those totaly are the must romantic words to mean. I must say.


_0nlyashes_ February 16 2006, 02:46:06 UTC
haha hot chocolate and banana bread! mmm, that sounds good
Hi joeeeee! ^^


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