me && lauren gggg went to art museums today. which was totally
awesome. i got great pics. lots-&& lotsa fun!! i cant wait to
do that again. it was one of the best days everrrr. next time;; we
boy-watch too. that would TOP it off... those dang guard pissed me
offfffff;; we went to the Nelson && th Kemper
i climbed that. really i did. kiddddddding.
lauren looking oh-so-hotttt INSIDE the art..
this is actully a book shelf, but its just so awesome.
(made out of chunks of wood)
yes, they're headless.
geez check out lauren's eyes. haha creeeeepy.
me and lauren decided to paint one another;; that was hotttt
lauren; standing next to one of her favorite artist's work (one of 3)